Chapter Twenty-two

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I didn't wake up from the sound of my alarm on that day. Instead it was the strong aroma of masculine minty and familiar cologne that made me restless. I couldn't describe the scent any further other than referring to it as heaven itself. I stirred in my bed uncomfortably and froze when a stronger source of the scent tickled my nose. 'Mate' I heard the barely noticeable airy whisper in the back of my mind and my eyes shot open. Mate? What the hell is a mate? I surveyed the room and slowly sat up in my bed. Although the dim light made it hard to decipher, I could tell that there was no one in the room at the moment but I couldn't say the same for before. The scent racked my mind at it was stronger on my dress and on the pillow beside me. Did something happen last night? I continued to ask my conscience but all my questions got lost in the foggy clouds that made me light headed a queasy. After effect of whichever alcoholic beverage I had chosen to drink.

Did someone come into my room with me? Did I do something........Was it with Jason?

Instead of recalling the memories and getting answers, the only response my body had offered with a sudden surge of bile at the back of my throat and I fled to the bathroom. Just thinking about doing something with Jason, or with anyone else for the matter made me sick and I was felt worse seeing that the possibilities were endless. As soon as the horrid surges from my stomach had stopped, I braced myself on the bathroom's counter to catch my breath. I closed my eyes and leant my forehead into the mirror as I tried to recall the events but everything was a blur. I just remembered getting into Jason's car, the music and the disappointment I felt when I couldn't find Lucky. Did I find him? A surreal force pushed me out of my head so that I couldn't pry into the past anymore and I opened my eyes with a pained expression. The massive headache had been doing numbers on me.

My own bloodshot eyes stared back at me and I grunted as scratched and the now hardened eyeliner stains that darkened under my eyes. Throughout it all I ended up scrubbing off the traces of anyone came across the night before and I brushed away the bitterness off of my tongue and the crowns of my teeth. Eventually I ended up irritating my skin and all of my flesh became sensitive from the constant scrubbing. When I went back in the room the scent taunted me and once again I feel lightheaded from the deep inhales I took. I couldn't stay in the room so I ended up doing the one thing I actually I enjoyed. I drew on my black leggings and a loose nude tank top then caught up my hair in a ponytail. 'The bumps aren't really prominent under this' I heard my own thought echo through my hazy mind as I eyed my back in the mirror. Just focusing on the simple objects caused my head to pound more vigorously. I tore my eyes away as I grunted then slid my feet into my worn out grey sneakers. Mom wouldnt like this I found myself thinking as I stared at my subtle golden eyes in the mirror. I shook away the guilt as I exited the room and made my way downstairs. Once I was on the last step I peered into the dark living room that was dimly lit by the glow of dawn. The dread that I had felt before turned into a silky cool feeling of relief when I came across no sight of life in the living room.

I spun on my heel and made my way to the narrow hallway that led to the back door; my breathing pattern had accelerated once I caught sight of the light blue light seeping through the door. I almost sprang into a full sprint when I reached the latch on the wooden door and I inhaled deeply when I stepped outside. The smell of the dew, the woody backyard, wet animals, moist soil; this was nature in full throttle without the choking air of exhaust from machines. This was peace. This was where I could be accepted. A small smile had already edged it's way into my face as I finally gave into the urge to jog through the ankle high lawn that was moist with dew. I jogged through the forest and soon broke into a sprint; the tress glided by me as I weaved my way through their disoriented pattern. Soon I glimpsed something twinkling to my right and I slowed down as I squinted at it.

Whatever it was again flickered again as if beckoning me closer and I frowned as I eyed the trees in that area that were specifically darker and taller than the rest. Just staring at them made me shudder. I found myself sauntering towards them but froze when I felt an invisible force in my mind tug me to the familiar detour I was used to instead of the foreign route into a denser part of the forest. What if I passed out there? No one wouldn't be able to find me. Mom. The thoughts made my crying and guiltily I stuck to the path I was familiar with, ignoring the constant blinding flickers that were further in the forest. Although I was relieved that I had now been able to glimpse the tarred pavements and buildings on the edge of the forest I still felt the urge to turn back and follow the light.

But I couldn't. At least not right now.

- - -

"God sweetie. I was so worried about you" my mother commented as I pushed the door open whilst holding a takeout bag in my other hand. She had already been dressed in a nearly ironed and starched grey suit and her blonde hair was done in a wrap. "I went for a run then I got breakfast for you" I answered truthfully as I pressed a kiss to her cheek then handed her the takeout bag. "Thank you"she commented with a wide grin which I easily mimicked. There was no way I could suppress a smile when she smiled at me like that. "Oakley" I heard a familiar male voice chirp and I flinched in shock. "Jason?" I squeaked and turned to see the darkly tanned boy seated in a relaxed position on the couch in our living room and he grinned at me as his light brown eyes caressed me fondly.

Immediately the queasiness returned but I managed to greet him with a small smile; I probably looked constipated.

"Bye honey. Have a nice day" I heard my mother say with a one handed hug she grabbed the takeout bag and dashed outside to her car leaving me alone with Jason. "Er...I'll go shower" I blurted out nervously and he chuckled as I retreated up the stairs. What the heck?!

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