Chapter Thirty-Nine

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After the screams every thing seemed to move in slow motion. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I heard the loud crash of glass from all over the house and I glanced at Emma when a crash of glass came from the bathroom attached to the room we were in.The colors seemed to glare and every sound had a hollow echoing effect. "Get out! Now! move!" I ordered whilst shoving her towards the door and a shrill scream escaped her as she glanced behind me then stumbled through the doorway. This isn't happening. I'd smell rogues from a mile a way. This couldn't happen because no one knew of our presence. These weren't wolves,wolves had scents, wolves had heartbeats, wolves had warmth, wolves had tightly woven barriers that tried to pressure the minds of their enemies, wolves travelled in packs with their leaders being accommodated by the two betas. These weren't wolves. These weren't mortals either, you could only sense them within a 5m proximity range.

Their presence was like a cold vacuum sucking up the air and they reeked of burnt flesh. How could I distinguish between so much characteristics without really being able to identify the creature or without being within their proximity? Maybe I am in their proximity right now. If I don't stop talking to myself right now then I'll black out and lose control. Lose control over a situation where control is non-existent. 'Look out' my wolf distantly growled and I whipped a hand around me to grasp whatever it was; but I had only torn away flesh instead of having a grip. It was black and felt like rotten meat; it stunk and also burned my hand like pepper seeds would. When I turned around I noticed the thing move in slow motion ,hurdling towards me. Its skin - rugged, dark and burnt, its eyes were large and white and its mouth extended from one earlobe to the next. With about six hundred extra canines in sight, I thought one thing as I watched in horror as it lunged at me with its mouth wide open. Who would be at a disadvantage if a tried to punch him in the mouth?

Challenge not accepted.

I carried down my hand in a chopping motion on the neck , which sent it stumbling to the ground. Without reluctance, I offered a sharp kick to its neck and its smashed head stuck to the wall on the other side of the room. What was that? Did Emma drug me or is this a prank? Was that another sick and twisted human being dressed in an ugly costume? Did I just kill an innocent man? No no I didn't, humans may be smart and creative but not to that extent. My chopped breathing somehow filled in for everything else that seemed distant and slow. My vision blurred and once I had turned away from the decapitated corpse, three more stumbled inside with roars of anger. It all felt like a dream, the world had muted and everything seemed black and white. I was only left with over a million thoughts rushing in per second and a physical battle between me and these demons.

Is this what depression feels like? Battling against demons while feeling completely alone. Why am I talking to myself so much? Why did Michael destroy the serum, did he and Jason plan this? Were they planning on getting rid of me just so that he could have Oakley. With each thought more and more of the strange beasts began to launch through the door towards me. Was this a set up? If my father found out that we were ambushed then he'd be livid. He'd lose his mind if he even saw our struggle to handle the situation - my struggle. "Stop thinking!" my wolf's voice ripped through my grimacing teeth in annoyance as I fought off the clawing and growling menaces.

I need to take a hit.

"Lucky.Where are you?! Your link is distant!" I heard Peslan practically yell through our link and I growled as I broke the neck of one of them and threw its corpse into the swarm at my door. "What the hell is going on?!" Hema piped in a sounding horrified and I could tell that she had been close to Peslan. "I don't know what the hell these guys are but it bugs the shit out of me that we can't faze and take their asses out. Too much humans." Pyper had growled, her link seemed stronger so I assumed that she was closer. Never the less I responded to none of them my thoughts caved in on my like a hungry Tsunami. Jason and Michael must have planned this up so that I could be erased from Oakley's life. Oakley. Shit. "Lucky are you still there? If you don't answer I'm coming to get you. This is not the time to give us the silent treatment" Peslan snarled whilst keeping a certain level of respect and I breathed out heavily as I tried to rip through the swarm with misguided punches and kicks.

"I'm here holding off a shit ton load of ...whatever these are. Where is Oakley?" I asked aloud and my level of panic raised I noticed a decrease in the number of heartbeats that were in the house. "Wherever Jason is" I heard Pyper growl in annoyance and I snarled as I unintentionally delivered sharper punches to the walking corpses. "Jason left an hour ago. Said he was looking for her. But I can still hear her heartbeat. It's coming from the living room but it's faint. Lucky you're closest to her. You need to find her before these things do. Or you're dead" Hema warned in exasperation and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach. "I can't there's too much of them!" I bellowed out in annoyance as more and more of them began to pool at my door and also seep through the windows.

It's as if they targeted me, they knew I would always get to her. Why not target the people that could protect her. Maybe they got her already. No no no. They couldn't have. The drop in heart beats drove me to the edge and by the second I grew more and more animalistic. "Peslan. Find Oakley and bring her to the next side of town. I don't want Jason anywhere close to her. Pyper, get Starlie. Hema help whoever you can. I'll phase and hold them all off" I commanded within the link and immediately Peslan growled with distaste of the arrangement that would lead to him and Hema splitting up. "Lucky have you lost you're freaking mind? If you phase and word gets out then your father will have all of our heads decorating the museum. And I am not leaving my mate-" "This is a direct order from your Alpha and you all will follow suit. As for the people...they're all dead anyways. Now do what I say. Do you understand me?!" I spat as I tried to shove some of the demons that had latched to my body off. "Yes Alpha" They all murmured collectively and I allowed the demons to burden me down once I felt the familiar breaking and mending of bones in my body.

"As soon as this bullshit is through we're all leaving and heading home" Peslan spat in annoyance and soon he went quiet.

"That's music to my ears" "Ditto" Hema and Pyper agreed and internally I felt like I didn't share the same interest so I held my peace

As soon as my eyes snapped open and I had completely shifted I found myself hurdling through the last wave of thoughts before I gave complete control to my wolf.

'I need morphine, morphine is good, morphine will relieve me from this trance.'

A/N: well this is kinda action packed. Do me a huge favor guys and share this to evryoneeeee yk. Everyone that follows you. Just everyoneeeee

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