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Wow guys I actually took hella long to write this contest. I'm sorry but I got jammed up in a lot of assignments and shit; still am but hey. Let's get this over with.

So today this will just be a totally simple contest. This will be a Q/A contest and the first person to answer all these questions correctly gets to create the character for Pyper's mate (if she deserves any) and a dedication in the next chap. Deadline is tomorrow, Monday September 19, 2016 and I don't really know about your time zones so I'll just say right now is 8:45 am for me. How about exactly a week from now?

Okay good look guys here are the questions and just comment on each XD:

1. How old did Pyper say she is?

2. Who is Lucky's other sister?

3. What is the name of Lucky's father?

4. What position does Lucky's father have?

5. How does Lucky force his body to fight against the urges of his wolf?

6. Is Rose Oakley's real mother?

7.Who will be the beta if Lucky becomes Alpha?

8. What's the name of the doctor?

9. Who's Lucky's girlfriend?

10. If you could change one thing that happened so far what would that be??

I won't tell you if u get them wrong before the due date but you can correct only three answers if you change your mind. Hope you guys participate. Love you 😘😘😘

Yours sincerely,
Frddie. <3

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