Chapter Twenty-three

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It took me a while to realize that I was left alone in the house with him and when the thought actually did settle in my thick skull, I had been sprinting to the bathroom as soon as I felt the surge from my abdomen. I need to know what happened last night. The phobia of knowing that I had given my body to someone else made me sick to my core. I ensured to clean every corner and crevice of my mouth so that he wouldn't have to smell the sickening scent that came with the heaves hat left me then I showered. Scrubbing over my already irritated skin and through my hair that had somehow managed to soak up the scent. It made me sick all over again. The scent of the cologne that poisoned in my room still lingered in the air; it had been coming from the dress in the laundry basket.

Please God, don't let it be him or anyone else for that matter.

I had to avoid vomiting again since I hadn't eaten from morning and I'd end up heaving on dry air. My headache had managed to decimate from the run but it also still lingered. I blocked out all the thoughts about what could have happened and as I shakily wrapped a towel around my body then moved to my room. As soon as I pushed open the door I held my breath ;afraid that the scent would end up making me light headed again. There wasn't much thought put into what I chose, I honestly didn't care how I came off, I just didn't want to be naked. I found myself dressed in a white knitted sweater and baby blue sweats. 'I suck at dressing' I thought groggily as I reluctantly made my way downstairs. Couldn't I just 'faint'? I'm pretty sure I know how to fake a fall by now. It's seems almost natural to fall every day. The thought made me snicker to myself and my eyes widened when I realized that I had actually tripped my oneself on the stair case; and this was actually unintentional. I shrieked when I noticed that Jason was just about to mount the stairs and when he saw my falling body he tensed.

Within a matter of small intervals I had found myself flying, bracing myself on his body and cluttering to the ground with him cushioning my fall. "Jason." was all I had been able to gasp as he groaned and grimaced. If he didn't hate me then, he was sure to hate me now. I winced at the reality as I opened my mouth to apologize again but froze when I noticed that his chest was vibrating. It took me a while to realize that he was actually laughing hysterically under me. I sat up with a frown, now straddling the hysteric devilishly handsome boy beneath me, then furrowed my eyebrows. "It's not funny. We could've gotten hurt" I grumbled through a shaky breath and he wiped at a tear that had slipped from one of his eyes.

"It is, give or take that we could've both suffered from a concussion, but replay that scene in your head." he said,his laughter now dying down to chuckles. I quirked an eyebrow at him but nevertheless I had ended up replaying the scene in my head. Thinking of how everything seemed to move in slow motion as I soared in the air and took him down like a missile. "It wasn't that funny"I tried to say but ended up snorting mid sentence. For a brief moment he stared at me deadpanned then began to cackle again. "What was that?" He bellowed between cackles and I flushed as I rolled my eyes at him but I couldn't suppress my own laughter. "Shut up" I called out playfully through airy laughter but he just wouldn't stop.

I placed my hand flat over his mouth but his laughter continued to rumble under my palm. Soon they died down and he just stared up at me, his light brown eyes twinkling mischievously. His cheek bones were risen high giving me the idea that he was grinning underneath my hand. "Shut up" I repeated in a softer voice as I suppressed a smile by folding in my lips. His curly dark hair sprawled out on the ground above his head and I snickered. He looked like a peacock; a very good looking one might I add. I shook away the thoughts as he squinted his eyes deceivingly. I quirked an eyebrow at him and he in turn shrugged wordlessly; in a matter of nanoseconds he had me pinned to the ground and I shrieked in shock. "Get off of me sucker" I said whilst laughing when his fingers teasingly tapped the side of my ribs. "Sucker eh" he taunted teasingly and before I could process what was going on I felt his lips on mine. I stilled immediately as his feather like lips caressed mine; not hungrily, just gently, like two toddlers experimenting for the first time.

I didn't know if it was anxiety or panic but I felt something squeezing my spine, immobilizing me. My own lips had succumbed to the little dance that his soft one's led; I already felt breathless and I was sure that I was failing miserably. He hummed as he pressed a hand to my cheek and I flinched when I realized that it wasn't a dream or a trance but instead reality. Suddenly guilt and fear made their way into my disoriented mind and I tensed. "Jason" I murmured in shock pressing a hand to his chest which he gently took a hold of and gave me a reassuring squeeze. Not much later he pulled away leaving me panting and flustered under him. Why the hell did he do that? His light brown eyes searched mine almost fearful of how I'd react and I eyed him nervously. His slightly flustered face that gave his tanned skin a glow, his irises that seemed to drown in his pupils and lastly his swollen lips.

Why would he kiss me? Why the hell would he curse himself like that?

"Oakley" he said quietly in an unsure tone and I glanced at him and bit down on my bottom lip. Because for some reason I felt the urge to smile and I was in no way ready to comply to that urge. But maybe it showed in my eyes, maybe it showed in my teeth that had fought its way to appear under my top lip. Soon he pressed his lips together too and I realized that his dimples were on full display. It had somehow became a game that I was actually enjoying. Who would burst out fits of laughter first.

Of course I lost. Miserably.

'You shouldn't be freaking kissing him. You should be kissing Lucky!'


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