Chapter Seventeen

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outta my hands (loco) - Selena Gomez & Firestone- Kygo (ft Conrad Sewell)


As soon as I entered the scent of tobacco, sweat and alcohol invaded my nostrils and a wave of heat bustled against my skin. I took in a sharp breath as my eyes leaped on every familiar face as they hurried by or lingered to gyrate with other people. I felt so small in the unfamiliar atmosphere and soon I found myself stopping rigidly in the narrow makeshift path that had been formed between the bodies. "It's okay Oakley" I heard Jason call above the music as he gently ushered me forward by wresting his hand in the gentle slope between my ribs and my hips.

What thing that really made me determined to saunter forward was the fear of his body colliding with my back. Maybe I just wanted to see the face of my platinum blonde prince again. LUCKY. The name didn't fit well with his face but it was still beautiful. I scanned all the faces that we passed but even though I got some dirty looks I didn't care, I just wanted to find him. I didn't see him upon entrance, I will admit, but I just knew it was there. I wouldn't really consider the feeling as a hope or faith. It was more like the feeling you get when you know you had failed a test.

Or like knowing your phone is ringing without hearing the ring or feeling the vibration.

'Stop looking for him Oakley. Obviously he doesn't want to be found. You came here to have fun, not to play Sherlock Holmes.'

"So, now that we're in, what's step two?' I asked Jason shakily and I soon felt one of his large cool hands on my shoulder and I shuddered. Alarm bells went off in my head at the feeling of the indiscreet yet suggestive caresses but I blew out a heavy breath to try and push away my paranoia. "Step Two. You drink" he said then he sleekly took a tiny glass cup from off a tray that a girl in skimpy maid attire carried. We had stopped in the midst of where some of the bodies swayed less vigorously that the people at the front and he brought the cup to my lips. "Jason" I tried to mutter and stop him but he shushed me by pressing the thumb that he had wrapped around the shot glass to press it to my lips. I cringed at the feeling of his skin on mine and my heart went into a frenzy in my throat.

"Just try it. Remember? Live a little" I heard him mutter before removing his thumb and the stubborn part of me muttered inwardly 'I don't want to live a little. I want to live a lot'. Nevertheless I slightly opened my mouth as he tilted the shot glass down my throat. As soon as I had swallowed a small portion and I tasted the bitter and hot liquid that invaded my veins, I choked and he quickly pulled it away from my lips. "Easy. You took in way too much for your first time. I like your eagerness" he said with a light chuckle as he turned me around to look at him. Once I was finished coughing I wiped at my wet lips and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well. Any comments on your first alcoholic drink?" he asked with a mischievous grin lighting up his godlike structured face and I snorted. "That was horrible" I said above the music and he laughed loudly. "Is step three as horrible as the second one?" I asked and my eyes dilated as I watched him place his mouth exactly over where my lipstick stained the shot glass the he downed the rest of the beverage. "Nope" he said and he quirked an eyebrow, questioning at my lingering stare on his lips which were now slightly pinker than they already were.

His hair seemed to pulse with a red haze and my mouth feel slightly agape as I reached up to his hair to touch it. Before I could touch the light blue haze, it swam away like a shy fish over his face. "Oakley. What are you doing?" he asked through a chuckle as my finger followed the now orange and wavy fish that travelled down his neck. On his neck it became yellow, over his pecks it became green, his torso was blue. His hands gently held on to my wrists when my fingers laid centimeters away from the waistband of his pants and I flushed. When I followed the trail from his hair to where our hands were I noticed a broad rainbow was stretched across the path of my hands.

Right before my eyes I watched the trail fade away and blinked rapidly in confusion as my eyes widened. "Wha?"I muttered in utter confusion and he chuckled as he brought my hands up to his broad shoulders. "If you move so fast then I'm afraid we'll never get to the other steps" and I laughed airily as he spun me around once again so that he was facing my back. "Step three. Dance" he said as he casually slid his hands down to my waist and I grabbed them quickly in shock. "Wait! I can't dance" I said nervously catching the eyes of some of the people close to me and they chuckled. "I'll teach you" he said with an amused tone as he used his hands to control my hips so that they would keep up with the repetitive tempo of the song playing.

"This is all you had to do" he said trough chuckles with his lips a little too close to my ear and I hummed in response as I looked down at my moving hips that seemed to fade to different colors in the night. "It feels strange. Unnatural" I answered honestly and a giggle escaped me at the sight of the colors that rippled on the ground. I squeaked at the feeling of his body against me and he laughed aloud as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his cool breath on my neck and in a moment I gasped as I shuddered away. The alarm bells rung louder in my head and I glanced in front of us to see a familiar pair of crystal blue eyes staring at us with a look of utter panic and distress on his face.

As soon as I was about to call his name I saw a familiar girl grab his chin hungrily and forced back his attention on her as they melted their lips together and she climbed onto of him. My heart broke into shards at the sight and I unintentionally clenched my fists as I glanced away with stinging eyes. "Forget about him. He doesn't deserve your tears Oakley" Jason said as he pulled our bodies closer together then wiped at my eye before the tear fell. He was right. I didn't come to cry again. "What's step four?" I asked through a sniffle and he chuckled a he stroked my cheek.

"Pray that you don't wake up naked in a bed that's not yours" he muttered pressing a kiss to the back of my head as he rocked our bodies slowly and I giggled through my tears.

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