Chapter Four

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As soon as I had closed the door behind me the platinum haired boy said sharply "Don't let your knees touch the seat, or anywhere for that matter, if you want to stay inside". I breathed out a sigh as I kept my legs together and slid to sit behind his seat. In my perspective that was the safest seat in a vehicle. "Yeah I won't" I muttered numbly then added in a quieter tone "Thanks". "You're welcome. Say, don't mind me asking but how did you really miss that step? Because my mind can't fathom any possible reasons how you basically tripped on mid-air" his sister had responded for him while asking the question and I flushed. The boy in front of me that was now driving off of the campus visibly tensed as his eyes went up in a fleeting glance to meet my gaze in the mirror. " I was uh...." I trailed off noticing his harsh gaze then looked away from his crystal blue eyes to his sister's. Distantly I continued "Distracted".

"Oh. I wonder what could have possibly distracted you" she said wiggling her eyebrows and I flushed at the possibility of her knowing. Her brother mumbled a 'shut up' with a scowl on his face and she laughed loudly. God, I wish my laugh could be displayed publicly. "Anyways. We didn't formally introduce ourselves earlier. Name's Pyper America Smith. Never forget the America. It's a trademark" she said confidently with a grin and casual wink and a smiled at her but I could bet it was nothing compared to her dazzling. She was gorgeous and confident. "What about him. He's your brother right?'" I asked and she grinned. "Nah. He's my boo" she said and my face immediately fell as I stared at her. Well this is awkward.

"Well isn't that disgusting" he piped up and soon I recognized an accent trailing in his tone. One that belonged to the UK. "I was messing with you. He's my brother. Don't ask if we're twins though. I started school one year too late and he started one year too early. Other than that there's a one year difference" she babbled on and I looked at her in confusion as I tried to figure out at what point I began to stray. "Okay sorry. That was arithmetic talk. Let's just say there's a two year difference between us" she said and my eyes widened a bit. "You're nineteen" I asked a bit in awe and her brother began to cough uncontrollably to hide a chuckle as her face fell. "No. I'm eighteen. Do I look that old? God. I knew the stress would begin to incarnate" she groaned and I giggled lightly.

At least I made him laugh. His laugh sent pulses through my body. Just looking at him did. He was unbelievably handsome.

"And what's your name?" I had some how managed to say at a moment of confidence and he snorted through a laugh " I'm not telling you that. Do it as your homework or something" he said bringing one of his hands up to his mouth so that he could use his teeth to pull back the sleeve of his sweater. I stared at the boy oddly both in shock and annoyance at his words. At first I thought it was just a joke and that he'd tell me but he didn't and I had unintentionally let out a groan of frustration. His sister laughed at this and I pulled over the hood of my jacket to cast a shadow over my face. The car ride had continued with Pyper and her brother bantering quietly about random things that I could hardly hear so I tuned out from them and stared out the window and soon I was pulled from my thoughts and daydreams when the car stopped moving and I was looking at a familiar house that belonged to me.

"Ho-" "Your mother gave us the address" he had surprised me by answering before I was even finished asking and his sister cleared her throat causing me to look at her. "Sorry for earlier kid. Didn't mean to make you cry. You're not that bad to be honest. Seriously though, speak of my age to anyone and I'll do it again" Pyper said and I tried hard to decipher if she was making a threat or a joke but I just gave up and traded her words with a small smile of mine. "What's your name?" she continued as I opened the door and I said quietly "Oakley". "Nice. I'll call you Oakster" she said wittily as I swung my body out and closed the door behind me with my nose scrunched up. To be honest I didn't expect an apology from her brother but that didn't change the fact that I wanted one.

I was ready to trod up the driveway to my house when I heard his accented voice call me. "Oakley". At the sound of my name coming from his masculine accented one my body shuddered as turned around holding my bottom lip captive between my teeth. He looked at me with wide eyes while breathing in sharply then shook his head to clear whatever thoughts he had, then through gritted teeth he said with his voice lowered "Here are your keys". Out of nowhere (which was in fact his hand) my house keys began sailing towards me and after a series of catching and letting go of the key with both my hands it fell to the ground.

He chuckled with a shake of his platinum blonde head then drove off as his sister held up the peace sign through her window then a scream came from the car as she yanked in back her hand and the car screeched to a stop. 'Pyper' I heard in a whine clearly from the now stopped car followed by a loud grumble of the word 'idiot'. Then the car went back into motion pulling away the platinum twins from me. I should mark this day on my calendar.

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