Chapter Twenty-nine

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I watched her irregularly calm body as she laid comatose in an abandoned hospital that Peslan had been idling around recently. My oldest sister had been able to supply us with some needed equipment and soon after minutes and hours of raw terror, we had an IV drip hooked to her and a rusty old electrocardiograph made continuous beeps that rang through the air. The door was locked and even though the hospital was abandoned several years ago due to an outbreak , Pyper and Hema were not reluctant to destroy the cameras. Inside the generally small room was filled with more people than I could tolerate at one particular time. There were two of my sisters, Peslan, Hema, Miller,James and Jason. They all stood along the walls of the room or propped up against the old pieces of furniture in the room. Jason sat on the ground with his arms folded on top of his knees. He was staring at me, glaring in annoyance as he sent death threats through our mind links but I ignored him. I watched from a far distance and I winced once Miller's whistles tore through the tension. Immediately Starlie glower at him and delivered a punch to his side immediately shushing him.

James, a medical doctor that we 'borrowed' for the night, went about examining a few pictures from the MRI scan of Oakley he had taken earlier. It had been 1:45 am and he finally seemed to be getting somewhere. "Come on. Can I leave" Miller groaned once more and Jason shifted his glare from me to him. "No. It's a possibility that the stress her body is under may have pushed her to her.....point" Starlie grumbled once again whilst staring skeptically at Oakley. "Oh come on look at her"Miller scoffed whilst making a hand gesture to her pale fragile body frame. "That's what happens to everyone before they turn-" "She's not one of us Starlie. Babe you know if it were so we'd be picking up something different already. A heartbeat. Something" Miller continued to elaborate in exasperation and Starlie sighed.

"Maybe she's dead. Maybe she's just depending on the machines for survival" Hema muttered in shock as she nervously glanced to the machines on either side of the mattress on the ground and then to me. I knew why. To all of them, they had in mind that I was an abuser and that I took out my frustration on the girl that I couldn't find the heart to love. When honestly I had just lost control over the being within me. "She's not dead. She's just...." Jason said but trailed off because he had no words to comment. Instead of finishing his sentence he swore under his breath and leant his head back into the wall as he stared at the ceiling. "You know she'll be alright right guys? Don't be so dramatic." Pyper huffed in annoyance and for her sake I rolled my eyes as I glanced at her in irritation. "And if she doesn't?" Miller continued earning a sigh of annoyance from Peslan and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She'll be fine" I muttered and immediately the tension thickened as they all quieted their bickers and stared at me. "Why do you think that? How are you so sure?" Miller asked and I growled at him, he had been talking for hours now ( aggravating me every millisecond). "Don't you think he'd know. He is her mate" Peslan scowled and Jason grimaced in objection. "If she's his real mate, don't you think he'd realize when he's hurting her? Or didn't he get that featured" Jason spat in sarcasm and I felt the familiar buzz of animosity pushing against my internal restraints. "C'mon guys. Shut up." Starlie growled but I had not forced my glare away from Jason until I heard someone's sharp continuous intakes then I began to feel faintly ill.

We all seemed to glance at Oakley's the same time as her body shook violently in the bed and she gasped for air several times. "Oakley!" Jason asked rushing to her aid but I was too shocked to think about what I was supposed to do. They all rushed up to her and James tried to push his way through them as they all tried to assist her. "The machines aren't helping her. Is she allergic to something? Asthma? Cancer-" "She has a tumor in her left lung and she's claustrophobic" I answered mildly as I watched Starlie push against Oakley's chest. I watched as tears sprung through her closed eyelids and her frantically movements became sloppier causing me to stand up rigidly. "She's still asleep!" Peslan growled out in utter confusion and terror as her heart beat became more frantic and Jason swooped down to meet her lips, CPR.

I growled in annoyance as I took him by his collar and pulled him back harshly so that he was knocked onto the wall. I took his place and stared down at Oakley; millions of thoughts rushed through my mind as I reconsidered the act and they all silenced their frantic shouts and screams once I neared her. As soon as I had summoned enough courage to hold her cheeks her eyes flew open and she grappled the sheets in utter terror. The sudden act caused my countenance to stumble as I stared at her visibly brighter golden irises that seemed to move like flames in her eyes focused on me. And as she wrapped her arms around me seeking refuge and surprising us all I knew one thing for sure.

Oakley Dickens wasn't a werewolf.

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End of part two guyssssse. Contest coming tomorrow so read up 😁😁💖. We're also at #38 in science fiction so yasssssssss. Let's get em boisssss

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