Chapter Thirty-Eight

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As soon as Oakley slammed the door behind her I cringed and involuntarily I began to grit my teeth in annoyance. My arms had tensed and I clenched my fists and closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling in a rougher manner than usual. "Lucky don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I mean you hate her and she's gone now" Emma spoke quietly and I exhaled shakily as I listened to her nearing footsteps. Through my closed eyelids I had managed to visualize her brightly colored silhouette moving towards me. "And the painting is all smudged, disastrous...."she trailed off as she reached out to place her fingertips on my skin and I grabbed her wrist. I opened my eyes in glaring slits and her hand tensed in mine. For her costume she had dressed meagerly in a ripped maid outfit and half of her face was done to represent skin torn to her skull. "I told you to leave" I growled under my breath once I felt the the quickening of her pulse beating through her wrist. Her dull green eyes caressed me with fear but also admiration and lust; enough lust for any wolf from the nearby city to realize her want. "Relax baby. I'm just touching the smudges" she persisted in a sultry voice and I breathed out a heavy breath as I loosened my hand around her wrist and dropped them to the side.

"You'll just end up smudging it more" I muttered when she moved close enough so that her chest was roughing mine. "Let it smudge then. I'm the only that's supposed to smudge these blurred lines. You're mine" she purred as she reached up with one of her hands to touch my face and I chuckled. It's funny how humans can even think they have the right to having property or feigning dominance. Especially feigning dominance over something or someone that they haven't the slightest bit of superiority over. So it amused me to think that she could ever take me away from who I was destined to be with. Then again, I allowed her such thoughts. To formulate and conceive an idea; the idea of me belonging to her when she really just belonged to me. The idea of me being completely in love with her and in return she gave me her body as a distraction. And even thought it would and could never quench my hunger; it was enough to keep me from thinking.

"You need to go outside and find Oakley right now!" my wolf ordered and I snarled inwardly. I don't need to find Oakley. I told her to stay and she didn't. I need this right now to forget about all this mate bullshit because it's not accurate. There's no way in hell that I could possibly be bound to her. I winced when I felt Emma's fingertips tracing invisible and visible lines on my abdomen. I squeezed my eyes close when I felt her soft moist lips form a small vacuum where my jawline met my ear and her hand travelled lower."Emma-" I murmured ,even though her name felt like acid on my tongue, as I wound an arm around her waist and moved backwards in the direction of the bed. "I'm all yours lucky"she purred as her fiddled with my button but then I tensed and my eyes shot open when a loud thud then a sudden emptiness resonated within my mind.

A detached link.

If that wasn't enough to worry about then the next was sure to set me on edge.

First a power cut, then a series of screams.

- - - - - - -


I don't know; all I know is that when I was being hauled to my feet and over someone's shoulder.

- - -

"I knew he shouldn't have carried you. Lucky told me that you had a bad history with public settings. Now this is just great. You're probably drugged right now. Bullshit"I heard a familiar voice huff and I felt my tightened chest slowly expanding as the world dazed above me. The air was cold and nipped at me through the thin costume and smelled something like wet dirt and grass; but there was also a concentrated amount of cigarette fumes traveling to my nose and it bothered me. "Bullshit cause they always think I'm a frigid guard dog and now I'm protecting you. Why are you such a klutz?"he continued to grumble and exhaled dryly as the stars and the full moon came into focus. My back felt different and slightly burdened; the metal of what ever was under me was also too warm and hard against me. "You're probably comatose but I feel like you're dead. Then again dead bodies don't breathe.... then again some immortals don't breathe. Also it would be bad for you to breathe currently because I'm smoking and second hand smoking is bad for mortals. You're not a mortal.....bullshit!" I heard the voice again and I turned to the side, looking for the face of the complainer. I couldn't identify the persons face from the shadow of their hood; but somehow I could identify the scent as I watched the thin streams of smoke float from his nostrils and through the air.

I didn't know that Peslan smoked.

"Lucky best be controlling the god damn problem because I'm neither a bloody guardian nor a babysitter" he huffed as he flicked the cigar away then pushed away the good of his jacket to run a hand through his brunette quiff. Problem to control? Where is Lucky? Where am I? I made an attempt to voice a question but only one word was uttered - well a name to be exact. "Lucky" I choked out dustily then a few seconds later I found myself wheezing with an uneven breathing pattern. "Lucky is not here right now Oakley. He's fixing an issue" I heard Peslan mutter and I groaned, my whole body felt sore. "Where am I?" I moaned in agony and he exhaled loudly as he continued to flicker the lighter on and off.

"Edge of town in my van-" "Why-" " Because there's been an attach and Lucky is dealing with it-" "An attack-" "Oakley I can't answer anything else" he growled anomalistically under his breath and a shudder ran through my body. "But's an attack like a terrorist attack then...what could L-lucky do?" I muttered through shiver and coughs but true to his word, he did not respond.

Did someone attack me?

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