Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jason didn't even have enough time to move from above me before the door was kicked open then it broke off of its hinges. The sight made my heart stop as I watched him storm in; immediately my heart took flight and blocked up my throat. "Get off." he growled through gritted teeth as he came to stand in front of us. Jason looks at me warily and his lips tugged up in a smug smile as he pressed a quick peck to the corner of my lips. Immediately he was ripped from me as soon as contact was made and I winced when I realized the hold Lucky had on him. He gripped him by his hair and pulled him back so that the back of his head collided sharply into the edge of the small coffee table. I gasped as Jason laid on the ground cradling the back of his head while gritting his teeth and glaring menacingly at Lucky.

"You're such a little prick" Jason growled as he stood up while pressing his hand to the back of his head; the edge of his table was smeared with his own blood. I stared at them both speechlessly then froze as I stared at Lucky; my heart hammered in my chest and my ears. He didn't have on a top of any sorts and for once I knew why he always wore long sleeved tops. His arms were decorated with black and gold imprints; foreign symbols and weird patterns that made no sense. I stared at him and my mouth fell agape as I summed him up once again. "And you're an insistent greedy bastard!" Lucky reeled as he clenched his fists and snarled at Jason. He seemed like he would pounce on Jason at any moment in time and I tore my eyes away from them and glued them to the television as I pulled up my knees to me. "Ha ha. You're one to point fingers. Get the hell out of my flat."Jason scoffed in annoyance but I could feel the anger radiating off of him as well.

The man and woman swirled around in a living room singing a romantic classic.

"You want me to leave?" Lucky huffed with a cocky grin as he made a heavy swipe with his hand then slapped off all of the DVDs that were packet in the couch beside us; I winced as Jason gritted his teeth. "What do you want?" Jason breathed out seeming to be absolutely through with Lucky's behavior and I tried my best not to eye their dispute. I always thought they were close friends; what happened? "Don't ask me what I want! You're not giving me anything. I'm just taking back what's mine!"he growled loudly and I bit down on my bottom lip once I felt my hand shaking. "What do you mean? She's not yours, she was never yours and thanks to you she'll also never be yours. If she was yours you'd treat her like she was so stop lying to yourself. You don't even know what you want yet you're here...and you're just-Get out of my apartment and be done with all this bullshit. "Jason growled as he soothingly rubbed my back between the lumps.

Lucky caught this and immediately he froze as he narrowed his eyes at the movement. His light blue eyes flared with anger and I squeezed my eyes close to try and ignore the quivering of my bones. "Don't touch her-" "Well I don't know if you noticed asshole but she's about to break down and I'm soothing her-" "She's not yours to soothe-" "Here we go again" "You're just pissed that you can't find nothing for your own. You don't even have a family- without us you'd spend the rest of your ass hunting in ruins. Heck,you wouldn't even have this apartment if it weren't for my father" Lucky spat and I winced for Jason's sake once I felt his hand stiffen on my back. That was a low blow. "Very mediocre of you to add but if I remember quite frankly. That same father of yours beats out the shit out of you at every chance possible then you lay around and whine in bed or take out your anger on the people around you. You'll never be enough for anyone! You're worthless, a coward and you'll never be nothing less! You'll never be Alpha material and you'll spend the rest of your life over shadowed by Sil-" Jason spat back and then I realized that his hand was no longer on my back. At the sudden feeling of being deprived of his comfort, I slowly opened my eyes just in time to see Lucky lounge at him.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me!" Lucky yelled as he threw a punch at Jason and even though he had more than enough time to dodge the blow he took it and immediately he was thrown back by the hit. Jason clenched his jaws as Lucky lunged at him once more and squeezed his hands around Jason's neck. "I'm not going to entertain you with a fight" he seethed but nonetheless he pried at Lucky's harsh grip. I gasped at what was unfolding before me and without much thought, I moved towards them and pulled at Lucky's hands. Arteries and veins in Jason's forehead began to protrude as he began to cough and his face went red."Let him go!"I pleaded loudly but my cry fell on deaf ears. "Coward! Die fighting!" Lucky ordered in a roar as he shoved down Jason then he began to attack him with a series of kicks to his abdomen.

"Is that what your father tells you at night? No need to rehearse" Jason taunted taking each hit while gaping for air and I pushed at Lucky. "Stop!" I screamed trying to shove him but he only flashed me off merely causing me to stumble back onto the sofa. Jason's eyes flashed to me in concern and I met his with the same look as once again I fled frantically to his aid. "Shut up!" Lucky screamed on top of his voice and I flinched when he stepped down on Jason's throat. Jason held him by his ankle so that the pressure wouldn't be too much and desperately I wrapped my arms around Lucky's bare back to restrain his arms then I tried to pull him away from Jason. He was heavier than I had expected; neither did he seem to have such a perfect physique from just looking at what he wore. He was perfect. He was perfect but he hated me.

"Lucky please. Get off" I pleaded feeling a hot rush of tears from his previous words and I felt a growl build up in his back as he shoved me off. This time with greater force but also I realized two things about Lucky that was wrong as my body sailed with paper weight across the room. Humans don't have enough force to do that without putting in much effort. And as he turned around I also realized that a human's irises shouldn't become silver and fluorescent when they're upset. My breath hitched in anticipation as I flew back and Jason shoved off Lucky's foot with great force. I heard the crash first before I saw Jason running to get me then my back felt like it burst open. I screamed.

'OAKLEY. NO!' I heard the same time in my head as the world blurred to the dullest of colors.


SAME GOALS FROM THE LAST CHAP. I didn't like writing this cause Lucky was a dick in this but bear with me. PLEASEEEEEEEEE COMMENTTTTT.

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