Chapter Fifteen

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Just a whisper of a promise I had thought to keep and the pain in my back seemed to leave immediately. The promise to accompany him to the party after he took me home. Jason practically carried me into my house since he drove me home then he explained to my mom that I was just tired. Later on he had told her about the party. Now I had to go.

I will admit, I was excited by the knowledge that I would be attending a party that would actually be classified as cool. But mostly, I was excited because everyone had seemed to make it their business that they'd appear there. Of course this frightened the daylights out of me but what I really was getting at was the fact that I'd see my platinum haired Romeo again. It made me uncontrollably giddy. Giddy with the expectation to see his crystal blue eyes again. But I was still nervous to meet the entire school's senior population again. Because this time is actually have to try to dress in my best.

And all of my clothes looked the same.

I sighed as I rolled over on my bed and rest my forehead in my hands. The door to my room squeaked open and my mother entered wearing her pink pajama pants and a grey tank top. She somewhat matched with me; but instead I only had on an oversized top which was actually the top to her pajama bottoms. "Jason is here- why aren't you dressed?"my mother asked with furrowed eyebrows as she analyzed the pile of clothes on the room again and I froze as my eyes surveyed the long sleeved black dress that was made out of a knitted material.

"You showered already?" she asked and I glanced up at her bright green eyes in confusion. "Yeah-" "Get dressed. I told your friend that you'll be down in twenty minutes. Hurry". And within those few twenty minutes, I had managed to complete one bonding process that should've been accomplished from I was younger. The one where my mom would assist me in looking good for an outing.

I've never went out; unless you've counted getting breakfast with her at Denny's on most Saturday's as an outing. At the fifteenth minute I had been dressed in a long sleeved black dress that hugged to my body but still did it no justice because there was no crevice or curve for it to hug to. The swelled areas in my back protruded like the humps on a llama. I wore pink  and black flats that made the paleness of my skin even more prominent.

My bright auburn hair was brushed up in a high ponytail and light pink lipstick had been applied on my dull lips. "Honey.  You look gorg!"my mother complimented in a little squeal and I strained a smile as I looked at myself. I will admit, I looked like a normal human being instead of a poisonous frog when I looked into the mirror but there was just one thing.

"Thanks mom. back" I said quietly and she slowly spun my around to look on my back. "Oh......Honey it's barely noticeable. Forget about. Just for the night and enjoy yourself. I'm proud to see you finally opening up" she commented with a smile which I unintentionally mirrored but embraced it anyways.

"C'mon. Let's go down stairs" my mother said excitedly and I giggled as I followed her down the stairs. Jason sat in the living room wearing a white tank top and grey leather pants. His shoes were neon green sneakers that had the adidas logo on it. "Wow Oakley. This was definitely worth the wait" he said as he rose to his feet and his eyes took me in boldly.

But there was nothing to take in. There was so little that I could understand; especially when under pressure. "Thanks Jason" I said through nervous coughs as my cheek heated up and he grinned as he offered his hand.

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