Chapter 9: Back Up

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Rin's P.O.V

We were on the boat, sailing under the beautiful night sky.

I was out on the deck watching the moon.

"I wonder who else is in this world..." I said breathing in and out.

"Good.  I'm not the only one who thinks that.."  Shikamaru said walking to my side.

"Shikamaru.."  He stood beside me and stared at the sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it..."  I said.

"Yeah..  It sure is."

"Hey..."  Both Shikamaru and I turned to reveal one of the fire nation soldiers.

"Can I steal her from you?" He asked Shikamaru, and I blushed. 

"...Sure...  Have fun you crazy kids!" Shikamaru said smirking while walking away.

Damn him!  I don't even want to be with this guy!

"You are Rin right?" He asked.


"Rin Uchiha?"

"Uh..  How did you-"

"I heard there's a new guy in the fire nation who came with a group of his friends.  The fire lord treats him as if he were his own son."  Sasuke's here too...

"W-What's his name?"


"" I whispered.

"I thought you were going to the fire nation to see him."  

"Well I'm also fire nation, so either way I'd go back home." I said and the man laughed.

He hugged me from behind and grabbed my neck, I was trying to gasp for air.

"Everyone here knows you and your friends aren't from around here.  We know you were planning to over throw us."

"But how?"

"I was spying on you."

I was still trying to gasp for air.

"Since you'll die, I guess I'll tell you a bit about the Fire nation..."  He said.

Sasuke's P.O.V

I laid in bed just thinking about Azula.  

I think I really like her.  I made a complete fool of myself in front of her.


"What is it Karin?"  I said sitting up.

"You need to come quick!" She said running.

What's so urgent, I thought following her...  We made it into the fire lords room...

My eyes widened, then I gritted my teeth.

I lunged myself towards them, but the guards held me back.

"Itachi!" I yelled as the Akatsuki stood in front of me.

"So you know them Sasuke?" I heard Azula's voice from behind.

"Yes!  And that's him!  He killed my family!" I yelled feeling my Sharingan awaken.

"Foolish little brother..." He muttered sighing.


"Calm down Sasuke." Azula said placing her hand on my cheek.

Trapped (Naruto and the Last Airbender fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora