Chapter 28: Move

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Rin's P.O.V


I jolted awake seeing a giant boulder right beside me. Imagine if I was a little bit closer to that boulder. Half of my body could've been crushed. I could've died. Imagine half of my body completely not functional and the other working perfectly. Imagine just having one eye.

I shouldn't be thinking about that! I'm fine!

"Umm... TOPH?!" I yelled and I heard her laugh in return.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there!" She scoffed and I growled. I took a deep breath. It was Toph. That would probably be the best apology I could get.

Now that I'm awake, I couldn't stop thinking about the fight with the shiny metal man.  I released fire without weaving hand signs.  It's been three days since the incident.

I watched as Shikamaru made his way towards me.

"Talk to me."  Shikamaru sat in front of me.


"Toph and Katara are training Aang.  Expect anything falling out of the sky."  Shikamaru shrugged.  "But I know there's more on your mind."  He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I feel like something's wrong with me."  I spoke and Shikamaru raised his eyebrow.

"What makes you say that?"  He asked.

I wonder if it'd work if I opened the palm of my hand.

I opened the palm of my hand and a small flame appeared.  Shikamaru was surprised.

"That's why."

"Umm...  What the fuck..." Shikamaru said.


Shikamaru immediately closed my hand.  "You do not speak of this, got it?  I have an idea to why it'd be happening, but I want it to be for sure!"  Shikamaru got up and ran away.

Umm...  Well then.

I got up and decided I'd go clean myself in the water below the cliff. I made my way there. I sighed and took a deep breath thinking about...everything.

"Rin?" I looked up to see Gaara in the water before me.






...Ultimate Nosebleed...


Breathe Rin Breathe..

"I'm just getting out." Gaara said and I turned away immediately.

"T-That's nice!" I stated. I can't even talk. He got out and gathered his things. He brought his lips to my ear.

"We need to talk Rin. Whenever you can." He spoke and left.

My heart was racing. I slowly undressed and entered the water.

Why was I like this? There were more important things to deal with than love..

~ ~ ~

I returned to camp to see Sakura blind folded with Hinata and TenTen attacking her.

"Uhhh.... Blindfolded?" I questioned.

"Toph taught her something." Hinata spoke and I nodded.

"I caught on to it pretty easily."  Sakura smiled as she stayed blindfolded.

Maybe she's going through the same thing I'm going through...but it doesn't seem like she's realized the strangeness of it.

"We've been waiting for you..." Hinata said. Sakura removed her blindfold.

"Naruto went into town with Sai, Gaara, Aang, Toph and Sokka. The rest of us are all over camp training and doing things." TenTen stated.

"This is our time to strike!" Hinata yelled in confidence.

And I may even be able to talk to Gaara...

~ ~ ~

We've been walking for half an hour now, and the place we seemed to always stop at was Ozai's statue.  Ozai must be scary. 

"The sun's setting and it seems like they aren't here."  Sakura sighed.

"Th..They probably returned back."  Hinata said nervously.  "I'm sorry for bringing you here for no reason."

"Don't sweat it Hinata.." Sakura laughed nervously.

"Yeah...  I was gonna talk to Gaara anyways."  I said.

"What's going on between you two anyways?"  Sakura asked and I sighed.

"I told him that no one hates him. He's pretty liked around and he has a hard time believing it. When my family died, I shut the world out. I understand him a bit." Thinking about it was making me a bit sad and nervous.

"Let's go back." Sakura stated and we stated walking back.


I stopped walking.  It sounded like the shiny metal man.


"Rin, what's wrong?"  Sakura asked me as I tried to focus my ears..

"Uhh.. Nothing.  Let's leave quickly!"  I urged the two girls who moved quick and confused.

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