Chapter 37: The Invasion Plan - Part 5

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Sokka's P.O.V

Rin was thrown to the ground by her eldest brother.  We are suppose to be defeating the Firelord.  Not being coped up here fighting.  Well none of them are exactly able to use their powers properly because of the eclipse, but they are still far from weak.

At that very moment, Azula, one of the earth benders, Sasuke and Itachi ran for the door.  Shikamaru had held one in his grasp.  "They are just stalling time!  You have to hurry!"  Shikamaru winced releasing his so called Jutsu.  Aang immediately came and shot the Earth bender away from Shikamaru with his staff.  The Earth bender hit the wall and fell to the ground, hard.  "Thank you."  Shikamaru said as Aang helped him up.  Aang nodded.  We all immediately turned and rushed for the door.  We exited running down the halls of the bunker hot on their trail.

Toph immediately took care of the other earth bender.  Now it was 7 against 3.

I slowly came to a stop.  We don't have all the time in the world.  This is a rare chance and a one time thing.  We already wasted time fighting, now we are wasting time chasing them.  "Wait, everyone stop!  Shikamaru's right."  I stated and they all looked at me confused.  

"What do you mean, Sokka?"  Aang questioned.

"They are wasting time.  If we don't go now, we might be playing in to our deaths."

The three slowed down and turned to us.  "That's a lie."  Azula quickly spoke.

Naruto gasped and pointed at Sasuke in frustration.  I think everything was clicking in his head.  "AHAA!  WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU SASUKE?  YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE!  STALLING US FROM DOING WHAT'S RIGHT?  SAVING THE WORLD?  THAT'S LOW, EVEN FOR YOU!"

"I don't care about what's wrong or right.  Whatever side is stronger, willing to give me more power."  Sasuke stated furrowing his eyebrows.  Rin scoffed and Sasuke's eyes darted to her.  "You have something to say, little sister?"

She held her stomach where the burnt marks were.  "Power.  All you talk about is power.  You only had one reason for power was to find and kill Itachi."  She started,  "He's right there, like a gift.  Don't you remember what he did?  He slaughtered everyone.  Our aunt, uncle,"  

Sasuke glared at Itachi who on the other side of Azula.  You could see him reminiscing memories of family.  Azula placed her hands on Sasuke's chest.  "She's trying to turn you two against each other.  Don't listen to her Sasuke."

"If you think they weren't against each other from the beginning, you were looking into a lie.  Sasuke hates Itachi, and you've tried to suppress that side of him, but thats the only side of him that keeps him thriving."  Rin smirked evilly at Azula and turned to Sasuke.  She was trying to create conflict between all three of them.  I wonder if it bothered her that she had to create more conflict between her already broken family.  "Sasuke do you remember?  DO YOU REMEMBER?!  He took everything away...Everything you've ever loved."  Sasuke shut his eyes tightly biting his lip in frustration.  He pushed Azula out of the way and  immediately charged at Itachi screaming in anger.  

He gripped on Itachi's shirt and pushed him into a wall.  "I hate you!"  He screamed and Itachi stayed there helplessly.  Azula watched on annoyed dusting her clothes.

"If you really did, I'd be dead by now." He turned into crows and disappeared. Sasuke stood there with the look of defeat in his eyes. Azula looked at Sasuke and huffed. Seems like it was her against all of us, but it wasn't worth the fight. We don't have time on our side anymore.

Rin stepped forward towards Azula.  The two were staring each other down.  You could feel the tension.  The heat.  "If you really thought they praise you, or care about you more than their brawl...maybe even more than me...  You are living in a dream world princess."  Azula raised her hand about to slap Rin.  Rin grabbed her wrist before she could touch her, and pushed Azula back.  "Don't think you're all high and mighty.  You aren't the only princess around."  Azula smirked peaking interest in Rin as her competition.

I turned around to walk away from the scene.  "Let's go, she's just a lost cause."  I waved off listening to the footsteps following behind me.

"It's a trap!  Don't say I didn't warn you."  Azula spoke in her devious tone.

"IGNOREEE!"  I emphasized and continued walking.

"So, Sokka's your name, right?  My favourite prisoner use to mention you all the time."  I stopped and turned to face her.  She better not be talking about who I think she is.  "She was convinced you were gonna come rescue her.  Of course you never came..  And she gave up on you." Tears slowly slipped down my cheeks.  Suki.  She has Suki.  I bit my lip trying to calm down, but I couldn't hold it in.  I screamed charging towards Azula.  She smirked in confidence, but I didn't care.  She's dead meat.

Toph immediately pinned her to the wall, and Gaara was quick to hold Sasuke in his sand.

Rin and Naruto took fighting stances in front of Sasuke cautiously.  I used my hand to hold up Azula.  She continued smirking at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.  "Where.  Is.  Suki?"  She stayed silent smirking, looking around.  "WHERE'S SUKI?  ANSWER ME!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.  I turned to see Aang with a look full of concern.  "Sokka, she wont talk."  I looked down for a moment.  

We can do both, save Suki, and save the world.  "WHERE ARE YOU KEEPING HER?!"

Azula smirked.  This was all joy to her.  A game.  The Fire Nation.  All they do is take what you love and crush it.  Like mother, now Suki.  She put on a thinking face for a bit then smiled.  "Ooh!  Looks like the fire bending is back on!"  Azula immediately bended fire out of her foot as she kicked at me.  I stumbled back.  She kicked fire at me once again, but Toph immediately shoved me out of the way.  Electricity started to beam from Sasuke as he broke free from the sand barrier forcing Gaara to stumble back. Sasuke attempted to kick Gaara but Rin was there to block the hit with her arm.

Azula broke free and Sasuke stood beside her.  "Dad's all the way at the end of the hall and down the secret stairwell on the left.  I'm sure he'd be more than happy to see you now."  The two turned and fled.

I sighed.  This is all my fault.  Hearing Suki's name, that she had been captured?  I shied away from the true worry that majority of us are suffering with to focus on my personal worries.  "I fell for it.  I used up all our time."

"It's not your fault Sokka.  Azula was ready for us.  She had every move planned out."  Toph spoke.  That's true.  I should've been more cautious.

Gaara sighed standing up.  "Wasting time is on everyone.  We were so focused in defeating them that we forgot about the heart of all of them.  The true enemy was the Firelord and we forgot that."

"I feel like seeing Sasuke, and the Akatsuki really threw us off guard.  I never would've expected that.  We weren't ready."  Shikamaru slapped his forehead.  "What a drag."

"And now it's too late."  I looked down feeling sorrow.

"Maybe it's not to late."  Aang started, "The eclipse is over but maybe I can still face the Firelord anyway."

Naruto nodded in agreement.  "We can still beat the Firelord and get Sasuke back."  Rin made her way to Naruto placing her hand on his shoulder and shaking her head.  "But..We have him!  I promised Sakura."

"You aren't breaking your promise Naruto."  Rin spoke and he looked down at the ground with pained eyes.

"Aang, I don't think that's a good idea."  I replied.

Aang argued.  "But I'm ready.  I came here with a job to do and everyone is counting on me!

"The Firelord knew we were coming this time.  We thought we had surprise on our side but we didn't.  It just wasn't our day.  What we need to do now is go help our friends."

"I guess you guys are right."

"You'll have another chance."  I placed my hand on Aang's shoulder.  I gave him a look of confidence.  "I know you will."

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