Chapter 11: Full Steam Ahead

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Aang's P.O.V

It was finally day and we were eating breakfast.
Sokka was explaining everything that happened when I was asleep.

"After what happened in Ba Sing Se, we had to get you to safety. We flew back to Chameleon Bay where we found my father and the other water tribe men. The Earth King decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise, so he set off alone... Weeeeelll not completely alone. Soon the Bay was overrun with Fire Nation ships. Rather than fighting them all, we captured a single ship and made it our disguise. Since then we've been traveling towards the Fire Nation. We saw many Fire Nation ships but none have bothered us." Sokka said smirking.

"We've been working on a modified way of the invasion plan-" Dakota was cut off by Katara.
"It's Sokka's invasion plan."
"Yes Sokka's invasion plan... We won't be able to mount on a massive invasion without the Earth kingdoms armies, but the solar eclipse will still leave the fire nation vulnerable." Dakota said.
"So we are planning a smaller invasion. Just a rag-tag team of our friends and allies from around the earth kingdom. We already ran into the pipsqueak and the duke." Sokka said pointing at them.

"Good to see you again Aang." The pipsqueak said.

"And the best part is, the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage." Sokka said.
"We have a secret... You." Sokka whispered.
"Me?" I asked confused.
"Yup! The whole world thinks you're dead! Isn't that great!" Sokka said standing up smiling.

My eyes widened.
What?! Not great! Now I let down the world again!

"The world thinks I'm dead?! How is that good news?! That's terrible!" I yelled.
"No! It's great! That means the fire nation won't be hunting us anymore! And even better, they won't be expecting you on the day of black sun." Sokka said walking towards me.
"No no no no no! You have no idea! This is so messed up!" I yelled clutching my head.

Just then a Fire Nation ship horn went off.

I turned to see a ship coming towards us.

"I'll handle this. The Avatar is back!" I said opening up my glider.

I grunted in pain and griped the glider.

"Aang wait! Remember they don't know we are not fire nation!" Katara said and I closed my glider.

"Everyone just stay calm! Bato and I will take care of this." Dakota said as him and Bato both put on their helmets.

Appa was covered and I went below deck a bit.

"I hate not being able to do anything" I whispered.
"Hopefully you won't need to." Toph said.

The other ships commander walked onto ours.

"Commander! Why are you off course? All western fleet ships are suppose to be moving towards Ba Sing Se to support the occupation!" He said to Dakota confused.
"Actually, we are from the Eastern fleet. We have orders to deliver some cargo." Dakota said.
"Ah.. Eastern fleet. Nice to know Admiral Chan for letting us know he was sending a ship our way."
"I'm sure Admiral Chan meant no disrespect sir." Bato said.
"What do you mean? How hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk our way?!"
"Next time, we'll send two Hawks to make sure you get the message." Dakota said smiling.

They bowed to each other.
Dakota and Bato quickly walked away.

Toph's P.O.V

"Sir, Admiral Chan has been on leave for two months on Ember Island." One of the soldiers said.
"What?! Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything?! Something's not right! They should've known that! I think this is a captured ship."

"Just stay quiet until we are safely across the ramp. Then we'll sink this ship."

"They know!" I grabbed the metal deck causing a attack to come their direction.

Katara's P.O.V

Toph broke the ramp causing them to fall into the water.

I made a gigantic wave pushing their ship away. As we quickly left.

Zuko's P.O.V

I was feeding ducks at the pond I always spent my time at when I was younger.

"Zuzu, what are you doing?" I heard the idiotic voice of Sasuke.
"What does it look like I'm doing?!  And don't call me Zuzu!!" I said looking at the smirking man.
"Did I anger you? My bad." He was smirking.

I grunted in frustration and got up.
I grabbed Sasuke by the top of his robe.

"What's your problem?! How the hell do you magically appear here?!" I yelled.

"Hey! Stop fighting!" Azula came and separated us."

"Sasuke, why are you causing trouble..." Who's voice is that. 

I looked to see an older version of Sasuke in a fire nation robe.

"Who are you?" I asked him growling.
"I'm Itachi.  I'm sorry for my brother's disturbance.  I'll take him." He said.  So Sasuke's brother.

He grabbed Sasuke's arm and dragged him away.

"Itachi!  I'll kill you!!  Don't touch me with your bloody hands!" He yelled.

Bloody hands?

"If you try anything, the Firelord will kill you." Itachi said and Sasuke stayed quiet.

I started to laugh.

Itachi...  Huh?  Maybe we can actually become friends.

I wonder what Sasuke meant by bloody hands.

Rin's P.O.V

We were slowly arriving beside a fire nation ship.

"Everyone hide!  Neji and I will take care of this!" Shikamaru said as they both put on their helmets.

I quickly hid as the men asked for us to put our ramp. 

They walked across.
Shikamaru and Neji both bowed.

"There's a ship up there and they have a water bender on it!  It's a captured ship!  It's captured!  You must stop them!" The commander yelled.
"That's why we are going that direction.  We were suppose to be on our way to Ba Sing Se, but that ship seemed suspicious.  We turned around and followed.  We weren't to sure about it, but now that we are positive, we'll go dispose of them properly." Shikamaru said.
"Very well!  Nice hair by the way!" The commander said to Neji.
"Thank you?"

They bowed to each other and they got off our ship and were gone.

"Full steam ahead!" Shikamaru said and Shino sped up the ships speed.

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