Chapter 16: Trouble

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Rin's P.O.V

School was done.  We were all out, but I was alone.  I stared at the Ozai statue in the distance.

"Stuuupid!"  I face palmed myself.

"Hey."  I heard and turned to see Lee.

He walked towards me and held my face.  I couldn't help but blush. 

He lifted my hair.  "You really do have a big forehead."  He laughed.
"Stop! It's not funny!"

"Lee... I have a question." I said in all seriousness.
"What is it?" He stared at me mysteriously.
"Who's Rin Uchiha?" He sighed.

"Apparently, there's this guy named Sasuke Uchiha who the royal family adores. He's looking for his little sister." Lee said and I gave a disappointed look. Is he really looking for me?

"Don't tell me you'll be one of those people who just talk for information."
"No I won't! I was just curious on the whole matter."  I stared at him with a serious look.

"You like Gaara."  He stared at me and I blushed.
"Well you've got competition."  We stared at the girl on Gaara's shoulder.

"Who cares!  Tell me more about you!"  I said wanting to get my mind off of Gaara.

"Forget about me..  It looks like Hide's about to strike Kuzon."  Lee said and I watched Hide try to hit Aang with fire, but missed by a bit.

Hide started to try to fight Aang who was dodging all his attacks.

I started to run towards the fight.

I got a hold of Hide's hand and stared at him intensively.

"Idiot!"  I kicked him back and he tumbled on the ground.

"Rin, you didn't have to do that."  Aang said staring at me sadly.
"He was trying to hurt you.  I had no choice."

"Picking fights on your second day?!"  The headmaster appeared.
"He was picking a fight with Kuzon!"  I yelled.
"Are you raising your tone towards me?"
"I'm just trying to get it through your-"

I felt a hand cover my mouth.

I took a deep breath.

"We need to have a conference to discuss your punishment.  Especially you Ms. Sasaki.  Bring your parents to my office after school."
"Don't be late!"


I stood outside of the cave and stared into the water. 

"I have to bring my parents, huh?"  I felt anger rage into me.

"My parents are long gone!"  I yelled punching the air as fire came out of my fist.  I stared at it confused.  I did no hand signs, fire just came out of my fist...

I'm hallucinating.  I sat on the ground and hugged my knees to my chest.  My parents are gone.  How can I go to the school? 

I started to vision me getting angry at the school.  This is not me.  I keep getting angry because of that place.  The people there and the fire nation itself makes my blood boil.

I hate to admit it, but Gaara's right.  They kinda do remind of the Uchiha.  That headmaster reminded me of every time father got frustrated.

"Rin."  Katara's voice broke the silence.  She took a seat beside me.

"The water looks beautiful..  Doesn't it?"  She said and I nodded digging my face into my arms.

"That school, something about it really angers you."  Katara said.
"The fire nation angers me itself.  I'm starting to see how it reminds of the Uchiha.  My dad..."  I glared at the water.
"Where is he?"
"My whole family is dead excluding my two brothers and I."  I said and heard Katara gasp.
"It's nothing new.  I was pretty young when it happened."

"I lost my mother when I was just a little girl.  All I have is a necklace to feel as if she's still here."  Katara said and I turned to her as she stared in the water.

"She saved me."
"She must've been a very brave woman." I said and Katara smiled at me.

We sat there in silence for a bit.

"Let's go dress Neji as your father and TenTen as your mother."  She said and my eyes lit up.
"We are doing the same for Aang, but I'm the mother and Sokka's the father." 
"Oohhh...  I see."

I might not have my actual family with me, but these people here are like family to me.

I smiled as I walked towards the cave.

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