Chapter 40: New Plan

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Naruto's P.O.V

It all happened so fast.  One moment we were marching to the Fire Nation, the next we see Sasuke, before you know it we are defeated, and Shikamaru and Neji are no where to be found.

We're all broken, whether we try to hide it or not.

We were at the Western Air temple island that Aang brought us to. It was a cool environment but seeing my friends sad, I felt sad.

I was in a room with Rin and Sakura. Rin was laying down and we were both watching over her.

"Naruto, you don't need to be here. Rin will be okay." Sakura said and I looked down at Rin sadly.

"I know, but so much has happened. Neji and Shikamaru are gone, some of us are injured, the guys have gave up their freedom so we could get out. I don't know what to do now. We had a whole set of problems for ourselves and went in helping others. What's worse is that Sasuke is still against us," I sighed, "Sakura, what are we gonna do? I don't want to lose anyone else."

Sakura placed her hand on my shoulder, "We're going to try until we win. Everyone is sacrificing their lives for this. We can't leave the losses in vain. We'll win. So stop frowning, and stay strong Naruto. You are our hope."

I gave her a soft smile, "Thanks Sakura. That means a lot."

"Glad you guys are doing better. We need to discuss some things." Sakura and I both turned to see Sokka. We both got up and followed him out of the room. We gathered with Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Temari. We sat on the large rock in a circle.

Aang looked around, "Sooo, what's the new plan?"

"Well, if you ask me... The new plan, is the old plan!" Sokka exclaimed, "Before we met up with you guys, awhile back before we found out about the eclipse, the plan was for Aang to master all 4 elements and to confront the Firelord before Sozin's comet comes."

Sokka paused for a moment pinching the bridge of his nose, "We lost a lot of people including the brains. We still gotta push through, to save the ones who sacrificed themselves."

"Learn all four elements? Oh yeah, no problem, I'll just do that." Aang spoke with sarcasm as he flicked a rock.

Katara stepped forward, "Aang no one said it's gonna be easy."

"Well it's not even gonna be possible! Where am I suppose to get a firebending teacher?"

"We could look for Jeong Jeong!"

"Yeah ... right," He lays down on the bench without a care, "Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again."

Toph looked on curiously and I sat confused, "Who's ... oh," She folds her arms irritably, "Never mind. If it's important I'll find out."

"Oh well, guess we can't come up with anybody. Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?" Aang and Momo flew off.

"What's up with him?" Toph asked.

"There's gotta be someone who can teach him firebending." Sokka thought.

Temari limped forward, "Let's not forget. We need to get Gaara and Kankuro."

Sakura stood up crossing her arms, "You mean everyone who sacrificed them self to get imprisoned."

"You know what I mean," Temari started, "We saw the Fire Nation, they are ruthless, the more people we have the better."

"I agree," Ino walked into the conversation, "We need to get revenge."

"Temari and Ino, I wish there could be another way, but we have no time." Sokka replied.

"Neji and Shikamaru wouldn't want revenge. We need to win," I turned to Sakura, "For them."

"Why are you acting like they never meant something? Have you forgotten who they were? Who they are? They are--were everything to us. We can't act like they are just some memory!" Ino yelled, "The only reason Shikamaru said he'd s come back was so you wouldn't try to kill yourself!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ino, stop. You're too loud."

"What? Are you afraid Rin's going to hear? She's going to get mad. Guess what, she's barely alive and the rest of us will be dead before you know it. Stop acting calm when deep down you know Neji and Shikamaru are dead, and the other guys were captured!" Ino screamed.

"Shut the heck up, Inopig!" Sakura yelled.

"WHAT?" We all turned to see an angry Rin.


"I think the plan to decimate the invasion plan went extremely well."  I smiled sitting up in my bed.  I rubbed my eyes yawning I slept amazing last night.

I mean the Avatar is alive, apparently Zuzu ran off the join him, but it's whatever.  He was a weakness here.  It was fun to toy with him.

My room door creaked open and Sasuke stepped in closing the door behind him letting the silence and darkness settle in around us. I raised an eyebrow and I could see his eyes boring into me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I yawned, "I'm decent. I just woke up from my slumber." I raised my arms up stretching.

Sasuke took more steps forward until he was before my bed and I. I felt that I had a certain anger towards him. It was for the fact, he had placed his hands on me in a harmful way.

"Look Azula, when we were in the bunker—"

"Save it." I spoke standing onto the cool ground, and I started to walk towards him, "What you did was unacceptable. Pushing me to get to your brother? You let your sister get into your head. I thought you were stronger!"

I stood in front of him. He puffed, "I am strong."

"But not at your strongest right? It seems you need to actually kill Itachi to unlock your power in reality. You are married to the thought of killing Itachi and that makes you weak." I looked up at him cocking my head.

He shook his head, "That's not true."

"The truth is that you need to forget about your family problems with Itachi, or kill him. He's too much of distraction." I smirked.

"I thought you liked him."

I stepped closer to Sasuke, "The way I grew closer to you and Itachi doesn't matter anymore. I need to get stronger, and feeling for someone or having someone embedded into your life is a lot of commitment. I need to commit to power, and get stronger. We'll be partners from now on. Not in a romantic way, but a combat way."

"You're only committing to this thought of power because of Rin." Sasuke crosses his arms, "You can't admit she scares you."

I laughed, "If my own father the Firelord doesn't scare me, I can handle the female version of you."

"I haven't been with Rin in awhile.  I can already tell, she's something else, and you're just scared.  You want to fight her but you are scared to lose."  Sasuke slight smirked at me, "Don't worry princess, your secret is safe with me, just what happens when Daddy comes around and sees you aren't as strong as you thought?"

I rolled my eyes, "You are pathetic to think that imitation a princess scares me."

Trapped (Naruto and the Last Airbender fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon