Chapter 15: Runs in the Family

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Azula's P.O.V

I sat at a table with Itachi.

"So, tell me about your family.."
"Hasn't Sasuke said enough?" He sighed.
"Fine. Tell me about yourself."
"Say something."

"I killed my whole family but Sasuke and Rin."
"I know that. Why didn't you kill Sasuke?" I leaned closer.
"He was too pathetic to die."
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"He continuously yelled I don't want to die." I stared at him fascinated.  Itachi and I have a lot in common.


Rin's P.O.V

I sat in front of the wall, staring at it.  That kid Lee...  Got mad at me so quickly.  Well it is the fire nation.

I sighed depressed.
"What's wrong with her Gaara?"  Shikamaru asked the man.
"I don't know.  I was taken away by some girl."  I held my head in my hands and growled.

"Someone broke Rin."  Kiba laughed.

"Where have you been?!  We've been worried sick!" I heard Katara yell.  I turned to see Aang enter the cave with dirty clothes.
"I got invited to play with some kids after school."  Aang said.

Sokka snapped.  "WHAT?!"
"We enrolled in a fire nation school."  Gaara plainly said.
"We didn't exactly enroll."  I said laying on the ground.
"And we're going back tomorrow."  Aang said confidently.
"I'm not going!"  I yelled.
"They've been talking about it for the longest time Sokka."  Katara said.
"Yeah Sock.  Pay attention more."  Shikamaru smirked at the man.

Sokka fell back and I chuckled a bit.


Azula's P.O.V

I met up with Sasuke as he sat in front of the duck pond.

"What's wrong?"  I asked and he ignored me.  I sighed.

"Is it because I was with Itachi?"
"Don't mention his name!" He yelled.

"I found out some interesting things about you."
"What did that bastard say?" He growled.
"Well you screamed 'I don't want to die' when he murdered your family."
"I was young.  Very small.  I thought life would be easy and perfect.  But he changed everything.  He put up and act to gain my trust.  I trusted him more than anyone.  Every time I see him, the pain I felt seeing my dead parents appear and the urge to kill him is burning in me."  Sasuke stated looking at the pond intensively.

I thought about my mother.  She hated me.  She thought I was a monster.  When anything reminds me of her, I snap.

"We have a few similarities too, don't we." I said sitting beside Sasuke.

Rin's P.O.V

"I'm trying to be mature and not immediately shoot down your idea.  But it sounds, really terrible."  Sokka said to Gaara and Aang.
"Yeah!  We got our outfits.  Why do you need to go to school for?"  Toph asked.
"Every minute I'm in that classroom, I'm learning new things about the fire nation.  I already have a picture of Firelord Ozai."  Aang brought out a photo.

"And here's one I made out of noodles."  Gaara brought out the art piece.
"School's changing Gaara." Kankuro said in a worried tone.
"Impressive I admit, but I still think it's too dangerous."  Sokka said.

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