Chapter 22: Feeling

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Gaara's P.O.V

I stared at her walk away from me.  I don't know how to act when put in a situation like this.  My heart was aching and I felt like I needed to throw up.  I could feel the tiny beads of sweat rolling off my forehead.  The sand on my face was cracking.  What was this feeling?

"Gaara..."  She turned to me and faced me worried.  Why did she look at me like that?  Her eyes were full of care.  The eyes and heart Naruto has.  She slowly made her way towards me.

"Why?  Why do you look at me like that?!"  I cried confused and she stumbled back a bit.  I felt like I was gonna blow up.  She took a deep breath and walked closer to me.  She placed her hand on my cheek making my eyes widen.

"A lot of people care and love you Gaara."  She softly smiled. "You aren't a monster. You never were. You've struggled through life."

"How do you know that?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"You are looking at me differently. When my family died, I had the look of fear and confusion in my eyes, but my face showed no emotion. That's kinda what you're looking like." She chuckled a bit. Her hand slid down my face and I grabbed her hand holding it in my hands. Her eyes widened. She closed her eyes and opened them slowly.

"Let's go back. We need to rest." She said and pulled me along.


Rin's P.O.V

"WHAT?! APPA'S SICK?!" I was awaken by Sokka's loud voice. I sighed as I laid down and the book bickered.

"Rise and shine!" Shikamaru yelled out loud pulling my blanket off.

"Leave me alone. I'm tired."

"But you're going back to the village."

"No I'm not." I told him and he sighed.

"I guess I'm going today."  Shikamaru said walking away.

I got up and went over to Appa when the group cleared from him.

"Appa?"  I questioned and he opened his mouth revealing a purple tongue.  Weird kind of sickness...

"What do you think it is?"  Gaara asked as he walked towards me.

"Absolutely nothing.  Maybe he ate something that made his tongue purple."  I whispered to him.  He stared at me as if he wanted answers and wanted to talk.

"Maybe Katara and Sakura's doing.." I said and he nodded.


"They went to the village to get medicine for Appa."  Gaara said.

"Good."  I walked away. I needed to make myself useful one way or another.


Itachi's P.O.V

I stood at the door way of Sasuke's room and watched him sleep. He wasn't sleeping of course.

"What do you want?" He growled angrily.

"To talk." I stated clearly.

"I don't want to-"

"It's about Rin." He slowly turned to face me and sat up.

"What about her?" He looked at me confused.

"You know she's your enemy now, right?"


"I know how you care for Rin. You may like Azula and you're following her lead but she has chosen the side with the resistance and we've chosen the side with the Fire Nation. I've seen how you protected Rin. When I came to the village that day, and beat you, you were protecting her from me. Even when you left with Orochimaru, I know you'd still think about her and want to protect her." I stated slowly getting to the point.

"What are you getting at?"

"We will encounter each other and fight. Will you be able to do that? We don't need a weak link." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Of course. You think I'm weak?" Sasuke asked me.

"You let emotions and memories corrupt your mind easily. I know your weak. Right now seeing me, you probably are looking for the old me. The act I played to make you trust me. You still think I am him...And you still hesitate to kill me..." I told him straight up.

"I don't look for anything in you Itachi. I hate you." Sasuke said and I chuckled walking a bit closer.

"Your hate is clearly not enough since I'm still alive, standing in front of you and having a decent conversation with you." I smirked and he stayed silent.

"Maybe that's why Azula likes me better.." I walked away.

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