Chapter 42: Courage

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"He what?!" I yelled, "How the heck could Itachi be gone?! Why did he leave?! Did you scare him away?!" I could feel the anger growing in my blood. He was crucial for all of this. I needed him to get to Rin, and to defeat the Avatar.

"Ha! That idiot probably ran! Probably couldn't take the heat!" Hidan smirked with his scythe slung on his shoulder.

Sasuke sighed, "He's a coward. He was avoiding a fight."

The Akatsuki and Sasuke were standing in the hall right outside my room. I was still in my robe, hair down. I crossed my arms and shifted my body weight on one leg completely.

"Itachi deals with situations in his own ways. Maybe he's figuring what's best to do on his own." Kisame spoke with his evil smirk of his own.

I stepped towards Kisame and cocked my head, "Hey shark face, since you and Itachi are partners, do you think he's the type to betray?"

I remember when we were in battle during the eclipse. He was talking to Rin. His loyalty to me broke at that moment he held her by her neck.

He shrugged, "Itachi is a cold-hearted person. Difficult to read. If you ask me, Sasuke knows more of Itachi than me."

We all looked at Sasuke, I walked towards him and looked up at him. "Now, without your emotions of hatred to kill him, I want answer coming from the pained boy who just misses his older brother. Would Itachi betray?" Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows for the first few seconds but then sadness shun on his face.

"Why does it even matter? To get what you want are you trying to drain who I am as an actual person?" Sasuke questioned and I chuckled.

"I'm taking off the mask that use to hide behind which holds your anger, and looking at the truly hurt and saddened boy under it." Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows in pain and anger, "Now tell me, what could Itachi possibly be planning now?"

"If not me. Rin. He's after her."

"Should I be worried or glad?"



I don't know what I expected approaching them like that. For my majority of my life, I was convinced it was my job to get the Avatar and turn him over to the Fire Nation. I made it my job to stalk and harass them so I could fulfill my honour. Coming to them like that, that was so stupid. I've probably traumatized them. It's gonna take a lot more than asking them to join their team. More than a speech. I have to prove it to them.

I sat on a log near my camp thinking of what I can do.  If they didn't accept me, I had no clue what I was going to do next.  I was worried about my next moves.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a twig snapping. My eyes immediately shifted into the direction of the sound. I stood up in a defensive position. I waited for the person to appear.

"Who ever you are, show yourself!" I called out. From the bushes a a blonde haired kid appeared with his hands up showing he comes in peace. I slowly stood down still staring at him.

"So you're Zuko?"  His blue eyes looked curious staring at me.  He was one of the people that were with the Avatar and his group.


"And you're a part of the Avatar's group?"  He questioned, "I haven't seen you around before. Even when I was attempting to catch the avatar."

"We all just met up. Our objectives lie in their's. We need to defeat the Firelord and get Sasuke!" I gave him a determined look.

His eyes slightly widened. "You know him?"

"I can't explain it all, but he is my friend and has strayed from the right path. He's done some bad things. These things will continue to happen if we don't stop him."

He shook his head, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your brother fancies my sister. My little sister has corruptive tendencies and has already gotten him to subdue to her. My father, the Firelord has already twisted into his head. I don't know how you expect to bring him back, but I'm just warning you. Your friend grows dangerous." 

I hated to here that about Sasuke, but I knew the longer it took to get him back, would mean the stronger he became from whatever power source was supporting him.

"Thanks for letting me know."  I looked into his eyes, "Tell me, why did you decide to join us?  The Firelord is your father, right?"

He sighed and continued to speak, "My father never wanted me.  He did have me corrupted as a young child, making me chase the Avatar so in return I'd regain honour and his love.  Although, it truly was never about those things.  If my father couldn't use you to his demonic goals, he would make you suffer.  I agree it's my home, but the way my father makes us, it's disgusting and depressing to be feared by others.  I've conflicted with doing good and not.  I finally am ready for change."

I slightly smiled.  He was an embodiment of what I wanted Sasuke to be, or the change he needed to undergo to become a better person.

"It takes courage to change.  Courage to grow more open form what you are use to, and what you've grown with."  I walked over to him and lent my fist out, "No matter what they think, you have my respect."  I smirked at him.  His lips turned into a slight smirk as he hit my fist.

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