Chapter 23: Loyalty

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Itachi's P.O.V

Azula told me to check out this prison Zuko visits at night.

Once I entered the building, the guard stared at me strangely.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?!" He held his staff towards me. I guess he's not aware of me.

"The Firelord would not be happy if he knew you were pointing that on me." I stated and the man nervously lowered the staff.

"I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

"You'll find out soon." I continued to walk and he stopped me once again. I was getting impatient.

"I don't believe you!" The man said. I activated my Sharingan and turned to him. He stood in fear. He dropped on his knees and I walked past him.

I looked through the bars on the door cautiously. There was an old man sleeping. Zuko's been visiting him?

The man quickly started to do sit ups. My eyes widened and I backed away from the bars.

Is he planning his escape?

"Itachi.." Pein appeared almost catching me by surprise.

"Something's wrong?"

"We have urgent matters to discuss with the Fire lord." Pein said I followed him.


Rin's P.O.V

"Sokka's getting a master to teach him how to use a sword?" I asked Katara.

"Yeah. I think he feels left out that he hasn't been able to help as much as a non-bender." Katara said and I nodded.

"Well it sure feels silent without him." I laid on the ground as some of the others sighed.

"Maybe you can go speak to Gaara seriously now." Katara whispered to me and I shook my head.

"There's no point right now.  Might as well focus on the war."   I said.  Sasuke is here on the opposite side and he's looking for me.  How am I gonna put him down?

"I'm more focused on this war.  I have to focus." 

"I understand that but it's not your battle.  It's ours.  You can lay back and do your thing."  Katara said and I turned to Gaara.  I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"My brother is here and he's against us even when we aren't where we are.  The fire nation princess probably has him wrapped around her finger if she's as wicked as you say.  I must focus on defeating her to get to him."  I stated clenching my fist.

"That idiot...  He was all I had and he left me all alone.  He left me making me feel so sad.  It felt like...  It felt like..."

"...a tragic incident?"  Katara ended my sentence and I nodded touching my eye.

"It was hard recovering from that.  It was almost like losing my family all over again.  It was harsh." 

"It might've hurt but at least you have all these people around you...right?"  Katara asked and I stared at everyone.

I smiled, "I guess so."


Azula's P.O.V

We all just left the meeting with my father based on the day of the eclipse.

"Itachi!"  I called out to him.  He quickly came towards me.

"Let's go on a walk."  I told him and he followed.  We walked through the palace grounds.

"So, how's fatso doing?"  I asked and he looked at me plainly.

"He looked sluggish and dead.  I wasn't sure if he was alive."  He said and I stared deep in his plain eyes.

"Itachi, are you telling the truth?"  I asked him and he nodded.

"Should I have a reason to lie to you, princess?"  Itachi said making my cheeks light up a bit.

"Please Itachi, call me Azula."  I said brushing my lips on his neck.

"A-Azula.." Itachi stuttered making me smirk.

"What is it Itachi?"

"I'm like 7 years older than you.  This can't happen."  Itachi said trying to part from me.

"Good.  Smaller than my parents age gap."  I looked up at him and smirked.

"You have something for Sasuke.  Azula, I don't feel anything for you."

"I know you're lying."  I placed my finger on his chest.  I slowly slid it down with my nail dragging on his skin.  "I know there's something between us.  You know it."

Itachi backed away from me.  "I can't do this Azula.  I'll protect you from the bad but I won't be your partner."  He turned and walked away.  I smirked and furrowed my eyebrows.

"At least I know where your loyalty lies, Itachi Uchiha."  I stated and sighed.  Oh well..  I know that Sasuke wants me and I don't mind having him.

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