Chapter 39: Split of Sorrow

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Gaara's P.O.V

Rin dropped this airship.

It was free falling, literally.

I was surprised on how she managed to pull such power to drop the hunk of metal.  Her body fell limp as she overexerted herself.  I pulled her into my arms creating a sand platform to get on and move away from the soon-to-be destruction.

I flew us back to Sakura and the others.  Rin wasn't waking up.

"Gaara?"  Sakura questioned as I flew down in the midst of commotion.  I laid Rin down in front of her and her eyes widened seeing the state she was in.

Sakura and I stared at the blood trailing from Rin's nose, the blood seeping from her mouth, the blood that had left her eyes.  Sakura tilted Rin's head and looked at the blood leaving her ears.  

"This...This is very bad." She could barely speak as she started to heal Rin, "Look, I don't know if she's going to survive Gaara."  Sakura stated and I nodded.  "Why the heck are you so calm about this?"

"Rin told me to trust her.  So I will."  I simply spoke.

For Rin's sake, I had to keep calm.

"Rin said that before she had blood trailing from her ears, mouth, nose, and eyes, right?  She did not know what she was getting into when she said that.  How the hell did she get like this?" Sakura questioned and with that, the airship exploded.  It was loud we had to hold onto something so the impact didn't blow us away.

Sakura looked at me for awhile, her jaw dropped, "No way, she couldn't have done that."

"Well she did, and I need you to focus and keeping her alive, I'll go help the others."

Shikamaru's P.O.V

"What was that?"  Sai questioned still keeping hold of his jutsu.  I looked down to see Sakura tending to Rin.  It was hard to tell what was truly happening from here, but I could tell Rin was out.  She must've done something.  We have to get everyone out.  There's no time to take out the airships.

"Everyone!  We must get back to--"

"NEJI!" I heard TenTen scream.  

The bird he was on had disappeared and Neji was falling, "Shit!"  Sai cursed immediately dove down to get him as well as TenTen.  He was too far, too far to grasp.

But we won't lose him.  I won't allow it.

Neji reached his hand out to us as we dove to catch him.  

Hope and time slipped as we raced to get him.  Save him.  

I watched him close his eyes, as if he was aware it was over for him.  We could almost grab him, reach for him.  Then he closed his fist slamming into the ground.  

We immediately got to the ground and hopped off our birds and ran to his aid.  Blood seeped from his mouth, and trickled from his head. 

TenTen kneeled down shaking him, "Neji?!  Oh my--  Neji?"  He wouldn't wake up.  She pressed the side of her head against his stomach watching his chest, "He's barely breathing!"

"NEJI!"  Hinata ran passed me with Naruto checking on the man.  I turned away as my ears rang.  He's not dead, but he's barely alive.  He's losing blood.  Does that make it any better?

I failed again.

"We have to get him to move!"  Naruto yelled and Hinata raised her hand towards him stopping him in his tracks.

"If we move him, I think he'll die.  He's barely breathing."  She said nervously.

"We have to move him!  We have to try!"  Naruto argued.

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