Chapter 29: Taken

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Rin's P.O.V

"This is ridiculous! We'll never be able to get alone with Naruto like this!" I yelled at Sakura and Hinata. Day after day, Gaara, Naruto, Sai, Aang, Sokka, and Toph have been going into town and scamming a bunch of people. They've been getting us a lot of money.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should just-"

"No Hinata! We just have to wait for an opening rather than just chasing them around." Sakura cut Hinata off who was probably just about to quit.

"Yeah. I think an opening is the perfect way to make the plan get into action." I agreed with Sakura.

"I wanna pull off a scam with you." We heard Katara speak to Toph. The whole camp was silent. So the woman who's been complaining about the scams want to pull one?!

"I think this our opening." Sakura said.

"We want to part take in scamming!" Hinata yelled in confidence running towards the two.

"LADY HINATA! YOU MUSN'T!" Neji urged rushing towards her.

"No Neji! We've been coped here doing nothing! I wanna have some fun!" Hinata said with fire in her eyes.

"The day of black sun is upon us. You must rest and train m'lady."

"No! I want to do this with Sakura and Rin!"

"S-Sakura?! Then I'm coming!" Naruto rushed towards the group that slowly formed. Gaara made his way with Sai to Naruto's side.

"I'm coming too for Hinata!" Neji stated.

"So who's coming?!" Toph questioned.

"You, me, Hinata, Naruto, Rin, Gaara, Sai, Neji, and Sakura." Katara stated.

~ ~ ~

I opened my eyes and I started breathing like crazy.

My mouth was taped, my arms were stuck at my sides, I could feel my legs tied up.  I was over someone's shoulder.  I looked down to see a metal leg.

My eyes widened realizing that the shiny metal man had gotten me.


He wanted me and not Aang?

Wait, what the hell happened to get me here?


Toph was captured. I stayed back in case anything went wrong. The fact that I was really good with fire was the ticket for me winning the hearts of the Fire nation people.

Katara went to retrieve the award with Gaara, Sai, and Sakura. Neji, Hinata, and Naruto stayed back as back up as well. Naruto was alone and it was my chance to fulfill Hinata's favour. I transformed into Sakura and everything went black.


I suck.

Wait, why does the shiny metal man want Sakura? He's got the wrong person!!!

I started to shake. Why did I agree to this?!

"Stop fighting it, it won't help you." I heard a high pitch voice from the man who was holding me over his shoulder. I started to snicker.

So that's why you don't talk...

"Why are you laughing?!"  He questioned which made me shake even more because of how funny his voice was.

I was thrown into the ground and I stopped laughing.  I muffled in pain.

He ripped the tape off my mouth and I screamed a bit.

"What do you want with me buddy?!  I thought you wanted someone else!"  I yelled.  Hearing Sakura's voice emit from my mouth felt so weird.

"I don't want anything with you!  I do want someone else and I'll return to that mission but Princess Azula requested for your ass!  She's offering a bigger price so I'll get this done with then the Avatar is mine!"  He yelled in his squeaky voice.  I was too confused to laugh.

"Princess Azula wants Sakura?  I mean me?!"  I stated and he nodded.

"You are probably dead meat." He laughed.  Even worse than his voice.

I'll see Sasuke...

What's gonna happen when the Jutsu wears off?

"You are gonna die, green eyes!"  The man squatted to me and I spat in his face.

"Well I won't let death get me that easy."  I growled and he punched me with his metal arm and everything went black.

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