Welcome! - Get to know the author

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Hey there!

Thanks for choosing to read my fic! I know I started working on that other Jack fic (Sincerely Sean) but I didn't really have a lot of motivation to finish that one, I feel like from now on I just want to do these x reader fics. When I wrote my Mark one it got such amazing feedback and it's got over 15,000 reads which is incredible! And I get way more motivation for these x reader ones, so here's this one! Since this is a get to know me intro I shall put my stuff below :)

Full name: Elsie Ann Smith
Please call me: Els or Elsa
Birthday: 16th August
Location: UK
I like coffee a bit too much and Jack has helped me through so much I can never thank him enough. Met him 11/12/2015 :') it was the greatest day of my life. I am trash. I play quite a lot of games, idk if I have a favourite but I love animal crossing, minecraft, slime rancher, GTA, TF2 and the sims.  My friends are the world to me. My closest are Alistair, Josh, Jack and Adam. Yep all boys lmao. Love them all 🥰
I don't leave my house a lot but when I do I'm probably out shopping or seeing the lads.

Well, I guess that'll do for now! I hope you will enjoy this fic :) I'm gonna go have a bath then I'll get the first chapter up!

- Elsie x

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