Chapter Eleven - fans and phone conversations

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*photo taken by me at Insomnia*

Y/N = Your Name

You had finally arrived back in Ireland, you sighed the biggest sigh of relief as you entered the airport off the plane. You turned your phone back on to check any texts from Jack. To your surprise, you had about a MILLION texts from him.

Hey girl! I'll be waiting for you by that luggage conveyer belt thingy :)

We can go out if you want? Or do you want to go home first?

Yo are you dead?

Ignoring me now? :p

You rolled your eyes but couldn't help smiling, you decided to call Jack. He picks up after about four rings.

"Y/N! Hey!"

"Hey you and your annoying texts" you giggle.

"Heyyyy I was missing you don't judge me"

You giggle again.

"I'm missing you too Sean. Sorry, I had my phone off, it was blowing up with notifications so I didn't want it to die before I got home"

"Oh okay! Understandable. So I guess you're here now?"

"Yep! Just got off the plane"

"Yay! I'm at the thingy near Starbucks"

"That's very helpful Sean"

You feel tingles dancing down your back as Jack laughs down the phone.

"The luggage thingy, get here!"

"On my way!"

You hang up, still smiling like crazy.

*time skip*

You saw Jack standing by the luggage belt, wearing his grey coat and blue jeans, his fabulous green hair was complimenting his pale skin so perfectly, you felt your heart melt as he smiled at you and waved frantically. You skipped over and he grabbed you, giving you another warm and tight hug, when you pulled away you looked right into each others eyes.
"Hey Sean! It's so good to see you again"
"Hey Y/N! You too! I've actually like.... really missed you this week"
Your cheeks erupted in warm red once again.
"I've missed you too. Do you wanna come back to mine? Sorry if that's a bit forward.... I am just so tired from the flight, and I wanna spend time with you"
"Not forward at all! I'd love to come to yours"
You both shared another hug, tighter than all the others.
"Oh my god Jack?!"
You broke the hug and turned around to see a young girl wearing a septic eye t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Jack had a huge smile on his face as she approached.
"Oh my god! It is you! I've been wanting to meet you for so long!" the girls voice was high and squeaky.
"Aw, well hi! It's lovely to meet you"
"Can I please have a hug and picture?" she squeaked through tears.
"Of course!" Jack chirped, pulling her into a big hug.
"Do you want me to take the picture?" you asked casually when they pulled out of the hug, the girl turned to you.
"Oh, hi! Sorry I was being so rude" she exclaimed, handing her phone to you. You chuckled.
"It's fine. Right, squeeze in" you said, holding up the phone. Jack put an arm around the girl, did a thumbs up and grinned massively, while the girl put her hands into fists and covered her mouth. You took the picture.
"There you go!" you said cheerfully, giving her phone back to her, she and Jack looked at the photo together. She gasped happily.
"Aw it's so cute! Thank you both"
"No problem!" you and Jack said simultaneously.
"I better go, thanks again!" she hugged Jack and then, to your surprise, hugged you too, then she skipped away happily over to presumably her Mum.
"Aw she was sweet" you turned back to Jack, who put his hands on your your shoulders and kissed your forehead, you felt tingles and your eyes widened with shock.
"What was that for?" you asked under your breath.
Jack responded with two words that made your heart flutter with a million butterflies.
"You're beautiful"

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