Chapter Seventeen - Coffee and trouble

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It was the second day of PAX, everyone had been super nice to you so far, Jack's fans absolutely adored you. Mark, you, Jack, Wade, Molly, Bob and Mandy had all gone out for dinner and then to the arcade the night before, everyone loved you. You had a really great time and you couldn't stop laughing when Jack and Mark argued over a game of air hockey.
You were sat with Molly and Mandy while the boys were signing early Saturday morning, there was a little sofa and armchair behind the signing table, next to the chair was a plug socket so you had your laptop hooked up to the internet and you were browsing Tumblr. You were kind of bored, you sort of wished you could be back home in Ireland, just you and Jack, watching movies and building blanket forts. Still, you weren't complaining. You loved seeing Jack meet his fans, he was always so happy and friendly. It was only a short time ago that you would have been on the other side of that table, excited to be meeting Jack.
"Hey, I think I fancy a coffee. Anyone want on?" you pipe up, closing your laptop.
"Yes please!" Molly and Mandy reply simultaneously.
You get up and go over the table, Jack gives you a quick hug.
"I'm going for coffee, who wants what?"
You try to remember everything: Mark: cappucino, Molly: chocolate mocha, Mandy: herbal tea, Bob: cinammon latte, Wade: espresso and Jack: black coffee with two sugars.
You wander off to the coffee stand, a few fans in line ask you for pictures, which you happily take with them. As you walked down the quiet hallway, you felt a sharp pain in your head, your vision was going dark and the pain was unbearable, you couldn't fight it, soon after you found yourself collapsing to the cold marble floor.

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