Chapter Nine - heartache and cinammon pie

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Y/N = Your Name

You had quite possibly the best weekend of your life (so far) at Indy Pop Con, when the evenings rolled around Jack always wanted to see you, he'd invite you out to dinner with Mark, Bob, Wade and their girlfriends, they were all so lovely to you, and you feel you had made a great friend in Molly (that's Wade's girlfriend in case anyone doesn't know, and Bob's wife is Mandy)
You didn't miss one of Jack's panels or signings, during one panel when a fam asked if Jack was still single he responded with "well, I may have met a pretty amazing girl" which made your heart sink, until he looked over to you and gave you a look that said "it's you" which bought a swarm of butterflies back to your stomach.
It was now Monday, you were back at your parents house having a family night before Jake and Rose-Marie returned home to Texas.
"So Y/N, Jake, how was the weekend?" you almost didn't hear Rose-Marie, you were staring at the ceiling with bright eyes and a wide smile, you only had one thing (or should I say person) on your mind. Jake clicked in front of you, you snapped out of your trance.
"Sorry, what?" you tried not to sound rude, but you failed. Jake tutted and laughed.
"Well honey, to answer your question, the weekend was great. But I barely saw Y/N at all, that Jack fella took quite a liking to her"
At this point your very protective father butted in.
"What was that?" his voice was deep and concerning.
"It's nothing, Dad" you mutter under sighs of heartache, you were missing Jack something fierce.
"Well, you see Father, Y/N specifically went to meet Jack, a YouTube gamer who helped her through everything that happened last year and when they met, they seemed to fall in love, almost instantly. But don't worry, he's very respectful, and he was also one of the nicest boys I've ever met, nicer than me, and that's saying something" Jake winked at your Dad, whose expression softened.
"Okay! Whose up for some of Mama's famous cinammon pie?" came your Mother's silky voice from the kitchen, Jake's face lit up.
"Aw! You haven't made that since we were kids!" he ran like an excited puppy to the kitchen while you forced a smile. You knew you were being silly, after all, you would be back in Ireland come the weekend, but it was very hard and painful to be missing Jack this much.
You sniffed the air, the smell of cinammon danced with the sweet scent of warm syrup, you remembered the taste of the cinammon pie your Mum always made for you and Jake when you were little. Your smile had found you again as you raced to the kitchen before Jake scoffed down all the pie.

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