Chapter Thirteen - first kisses and all-nighters

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You and Jack had such a lovely night at your place, you woke up at about 11am in the fort. You yawned quietly and rolled over, Jack was fast asleep, breathing heavily. You smiled and lay there watching him (in a none creepy way) he had one hand on his chest, the other sprawled out over the blankets, one leg was propped up. He must have sensed you were looking as his eyes flickered, you quickly grabbed your phone and went on twitter.
You hear Jack groan beside you, you turn around and smile as he sleepily smiles back.
"Morning" you chant.
"Good morning! How'd you sleep?"
"Fine thank you, and yourself?"
"Great! Do you want to go and get breakfast?"
"Well, I was gonna just make pancakes, I don't realy feel like going out" you chuckle.
"Cool! I love pancakes" Jack leans over, squeezing you tight and kissing your forehead.
"Hey, I was thinking" he says, stretching.
"Oh yeah?" you respond casually.
"Yeah, maybe this weekend, you could stay over? I don't want to seem too forward, but we have already had a little sleepover" Jack giggles, your heart flutters as he asks you to stay.
"Aw I'd love to!"
You hug again, feeling Jack's warmth as he holds you, you had never felt this happy.

*time skip*

The weekend came quicker than you had expected, it was currently 3am on Saturday, you and Jack were looking through his Tumblr tag and giggling as you did so. After a while Jack closed his laptop and wrapped his arms around you suddenly, making you blush violently. You held his arm with both your hands.
"What do you want to do now?" he asks, his voice croaky with tiredness.
"I don't really know, shall we just put on a movie?"
"Sure, how about Click?"
"Aw I love that one! It's so sad but I do love it"
Jack smiles as he gets up, turning on his PS4, opening Netflix and putting on Click. He sits back beside you, putting an arm around you. You can't help but look at him lovingly, you started to think about how lucky you were, sitting here with the guy who had helped you through a tough year, it wasn't Jack though. It was Sean, the guy who you never saw before when the camera gets turned off. You were slowly getting to know Sean, and loving every minute of it.
Jack turned to you, smiling hugely. You felt a wave of butterflies return to your stomach as Jack tucked a stray hair behind your ear. He kept his hand on your cheek for a moment, staring deeply into your eyes.
After another minute, he moved his hand down to your thigh, his other hand made it's way to the other thigh. Soon after, you felt his soft lips meet yours, you had your arms over his shoulders, your hands clasped behind his neck as you two shared the most romantic kiss.

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