Chapter Twenty-Five - Landlord trouble

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Y/N = Your Name

You sat there, complete stunned awe etched onto your face, butterflies dancing in your stomach, you couldn't even speak.
"Uhh... Y/N? You okay?" Jack nervously chuckled, making you snap out of your shocked trance.
"Oh, yeah! I'm totally fine! And yes, Sean. A thousand times yes. I would love to live with you!" you couldn't keep your excitement in as Jack's face lit up and he pulled you in to another one of his warm, tight hugs. After you let go, you both looked at each other and chuckled like hyenas.
"Oh my god this is so exciting! When should we go to yours and get your stuff?" Jack chirped, he seemed super giddy, which made you giggle. He's so adorable.
"Um well, maybe this weekend?"
"Sure! Sounds good. Wanna watch a movie and order pizza to celebrate?"
"Sounds great! I gotta make a quick phone call first"
"Okay, I'll put a movie in. What do you wanna watch?"
"I think I'm in the mood for Finding Nemo"
"Okey dokey!" Jack jumped up and went to put Finding Nemo on, as you went into the living room to make your phone call.

"Hi Jakey"
"Squish! Wow, long time no speak! What's up?"
"Well, remember at Indy Pop Con? When you barely saw me because of Jack?"
"I remember it well, yes"
"Squish, are you serious?! That is so awesome! I hope you have a great time with him!"
"Thanks Jakey!"
"Hey, you'll have to give me your new address, I was planning on flying out to see you in the next couple weeks"
"Just you? No Rose-Marie?"
"Uh.... no..... I'll explain when I see you. Bye!"
"Okay then, bye"
That was weird, Jake sounded a little upset. Was everything okay? You kind of wanted to call back, but you know he wouldn't talk to you on the phone, so you may as well wait until he visits. You skipped back to the bedroom and yelled "EAAAAGLEEEEEE!" as you jumped on the bed beside Jack, who laughed uncontrollably at you.

*time skip*

The weekend soon rolled around, it was early Friday afternoon and you and Jack were back at your old apartment near Kilkenny Castle. Jack had hired a van, so that he could drive you and your stuff to his place. You were both excitedly rushing in and out of your apartment, box after box was being thrown into the back of the van.
"I think we've nearly got everything Sean!" you exclaimed, handing him another box.
"Yeah! We can fit a few more in here, so how about we go get two more boxes and come back tomorrow for the rest?"
"Sounds good"
You interlocked your fingers with Jack's as you both skipped up to your apartment. As you passed your landlords' apartment, he popped his head out.
"Y/N? Can I have a quick word?" came his beefy, Phil Mitchell type voice. You looked at Jack.
"Uh, you go ahead. I'll just grab the last couple of boxes" Jack continued to the lift as you stepped into your landlords apartment, the stench of beer, cigarettes and sweat attacked your nostrils, you held your breath for as long as you could.
"What's all this comotion today?"
"Well, sir, I'm moving out. My boyfriend has asked me to move in with him"
"Yes, that was him, his name's...."
"YOU WILL NOT BE MOVING OUT!!" your landlord suddenly screamed, making you jump. You chuckled out of pure fear.
"Um, I think I will. You can't force me to stay living here. I'll pay my rent for this month and leave my key, but after tomorrow I won't officially live here anymore"
"You are not going anywhere" he said through gritted teeth, you were officially freaked out now, what's his problem?
"With all due respect, sir, I think I'll be leaving now"
As you turned to leave, you felt your landlords grubby hands pull you back and slam you against the wall. He gripped onto you so tight that you couldn't move, and as he spoke, that smell of cigarettes and beer attacked your nostrils again, making you cringe.
"I. Said. You. Are. Not. Going. ANYWHERE! You will stay here, where I can keep my eye on you"
At that moment, JACK TO THE RESCUE! He grabbed the landlord and pushed him onto the sofa, which surprised you, as Jack was a little Irish man and your landlord was a big beefy guy from London.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! You cannot treat a woman that way! Don't ever fucking touch her again!" he grabbed your hand and quickly dragged you out to the van, you got into the passenger side as Jack raced to the driver's seat and started the van as quick as he could.
"But what about the rest of my stuff?"
"We'll send a moving van out for it tomorrow, no way are we coming back here" Jack sped off down the road quicker than lightning.

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