Chapter Twelve - Blanket forts and Disney movies

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Y/N = Your Name
T/N = Twitter Name

You and Jack were having a most wonderful evening at your apartment, you were getting to know each other a lot better, and you were loving it. Jack was a huge goofball in real life as well, you couldn't fight how smitten you were for him.
You were just finishing off your pizza and watching Scrubs when Jack turned to you and put an arm around you, making you blush.
"So, anything you want to do in particular on this lovely evening?"
You giggled at him trying to do a British accent (and failing miserably)
"Um well, we could get comfy in our pj's, build a fort and watch Disney movies?"
Jack's eyes became brighter and he grinned happily.
"That sounds perfect!" he jumped up and ran off to the bathroom, a few seconds later her returned wearing only his boxers and a baggy t-shirt, you blushed again amd looked down at your plate. Jack was also carrying the sheets from your bed and a bunch of pillows.

*time skip*

You were half way through building the fort, you had put on your Ghostbusters t-shirt and some red check pj shorts, Jack kept playfully (but gently) hitting you with pillows.
"Seeeean" you chant, Jack raises his hands.
"Okay, okay. Truce" he chuckles, bending down to pick up another pillow. As he does you cheekily grin and rub your hands together.
"SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!" you yell, jumping on his back. He grabs your legs and moves around, trying to fight you off while you both burst into fits of giggles. Eventually, he has his back (and you) to the sofa and he throws you down onto it, collapsing next to you, both of you still laughing like crazy.
You sit there for a couple of minutes, breathing heavily and admiring the fort.
"I'd say it's done" Jack pipes up, putting an arm around you.
"Yeah! Looks good enough to me" you get up, Jack gives you the puppy dog eyes as you giggle at him.
"I'm just gonna go make tea. Want some?"
"Sure!" he responds, throwing a pillow at you. You let out a tiny squeal.
"You fucker!" you both start giggling uncontrollably again, could Jack possibly get any cuter?

*time skip*

Half way through watching Peter Pan, you decide to get your phone out.
"Sean, can we take another selfie?" you request, his face lights up as he puts an arm around you, presses his face right up to yours and grins like a happy little child, you pull the same face and snap a picture, without hesitation you tweet it.

@T/N: having such a lovely night with @Jack_Septic_Eye :) perfect <3

You check your notifications to see that Jack likes and retweets the picture, and you notice he already tweeted a picture earlier.

@Jack_Septic_Eye: blanket fort building time with @T/N! Pizza and good company inside a badass fort. What could be better?

The picture was of you, in your pj's, assembling the fort. You chuckled at the picture and muttered "rude" under your breath, Jack smiled and pulled you closer to him, you rested your head on his shoulder as you felt your eyes begin to close.

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