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Sorry for all the notes D:

But good news! I have the next three chapters all planned out :) I'm gonna eat my curry and watch some Dil Howlter adventures and then I'll get straight back into writing! I'm into this now woo high fives *wha-pish!*

Also Jack's new geometry dash video was hilarious haha.

Oh I almost forgot! My friend Lara (who I'm supposed to be going out with tomorrow with a few other friends) isn't feeling too good (she's pregnant and about to pop so she's probably starting to get a bit uncomfortable) so we've decided to just chill at mine tomorrow night with a few friends, some movies, food and board games. Which is more my thing anyway tbh haha, so I might be able to get a little writing done too :)

Have a good one!

- Elsie x

Authors update note from 21.04.17: so yeah lol, the girl I mention here (Lara) turns out she's one of the most horrible girls ever and just a massive slut. I won't go into detail, but I literally hate her now she's just such a bad person seriously glad she's out of my life. She's pregnant for the second time around lol the first kid she completely abandoned and I still see her post on Facebook about how much she loves her when all she has done is put her up for adoption because she was holding her back from having sex with guys, and now she's pregnant again lol tramp. Okay rant over sorry

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