Chapter two - Jake

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*why yes, that IS a picture of Dan, he's playing Jake okay don't judge me*

Y/N = Your Name

It was now Christmas Eve. The snow had been softly falling all through the night and your town was now covered over with the beautiful crystalling flakes, like a giant soft white blanket. You and your family were in the living room, doing your usual Christmas Eve tradition of *insert your familes Christmas Eve tradition here if you have one, if not make something up. We usually open one present each and then watch Home Alone*
Jake's wife seemed lovely. Her name is Rose-Marie, a pretty name. It fits her personality and face perfectly. She was curvy, her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue that shined like diamonds, and her hair was a fierce ginger, she had freckles beautifully complimenting her pale skin, she was a very classy lady, way too good for your silly and extremely childish older brother.
She seemed quite taken with Jake though, you could tell how in love she was with him, and that was nice, Jake had had his heart broken way too many times he deserves someone special.
"So, Y/N" Rose-Marie snapped you out of your trance and you noticed you were awkwardly staring, so you looked away quickly and mumbled "yes?"
"What exactly is this thing you are attending in January?" Her voice was so posh.
"Oh, it's just this thing called Indy Pop Con, my hero, Jacksepticeye, will be there, and I just really want to meet him. Even though he does live in Ireland too" you mumble, without even looking up.
"Oh, I see" Rose-Marie couldn't sound more uninterested if she tried. Jake took a sip of his beer before he spoke.
"Yes I remember Jack, I think you should thank him for me Y/N, without him my little sister wouldn't be half as happy, after everything she's been through it's lovely to see. You're a strong girl Y/N" *I can't remember if I put in the first chapter the character as a girl, so if you're a boy I'm sorry! Use your imagination*
Jake looked over to you and smiled that cheesy smile of his. You felt an urge, an urge to go and give your brother a giant bear hug, you had missed him so. Before you could finish your thoughts you had jumped into your brothers arms, nearly knocking him over, he was squeezing you so tightly.
"I've missed you Jakey" you claim, on the verge of tears.
"I've missed you too Squish"
You smiled, he hadn't called you Squish since you were kids, you loved it. After about two minutes you let go of your brother.
"Oh, you two. Never a normal sibling relationship where you bicker and bite, you had to be best friends and look out for each other" your Dad joked, making you both giggle.
"I have a surprise for you Y/N"
Jake set his beer down on the coffee table, ignoring your Mother's request to put down a coaster. He handed you an envelope, and you didn't hesitate to open it. Your heart dropped when you saw a weekend pass for Indy Pop Con.
"Hate to break it to ya bro but I already got one of these, remember? We were just talking about it" you remark, trying to sound sympathetic but failing miserably.
"Yes, I'm not stupid" Jake states, making you giggle and roll your eyes.
"That is my ticket, I'm coming with you"
You couldn't fight the smile that crept it's way onto your face.
"Really?!" You exclaim, jumping up and down in excitement.
"Yeah, I wanna meet this Jack guy! He makes you happy. Oh, got us these too"
Butterflies found their way to your heart as Jake handed you two VIP passes to Indy Pop Con.

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