Chapter Fifteen - PAX and fan love

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Y/N = Your Name
T/N = Twitter Name

You had got so many great pictures on your polaroid, you got shots of a nest of squirrels playing in a tree, a puppy that wanted some attention, and a beautiful sunset. You and Jack had taken a selfie on it too, which you took a photo of on your phone and posted on twitter. In the picture Jack was grinning and you were throwing up a peace sign (ironically of course) and looking serious.
Everyone had been super lovely to you since the video was posted, you decided to watch the video before Jack came over, he had gone home a couple of days ago and you were missing him, but he'd be returning later in the evening for another sleepover. You got out your laptop and opened the video.

"TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO ANOTHER VLOG. So this one might be kind of short as I only have one thing in particular to talk about, but I have some great news, I met someone, who is pretty amazing. And I am proud to now call her my girlfriend"
He smiles and looks over to you off camera, beckoning you over and whispering "do you wanna come over now?" at which point you roll over on the computer chair, moving in next to Jack, who is watching you while smiling as you stare directly into the camera with a straight face. When you stop the chair you both just burst out laughing, then it cuts to Jack introducing you to everyone, saying how happy he is with you and asking everyone to be nice, you look lovingly at him the whole time.
Jack requests that you do his outro, which you attempt to do while both of you giggle like crazy. When you squeal "in the next video" Jack wraps his arms around you and it cuts to the end screen.
After the end screen it shows you pretending as if Jack had just hired yoi to pretend to be his girlfriend for the video and you were saying "can I go now? Are we done?" then Jack pulled you onto his lap while you laughed and the video ended.
You checked twitter to see a bunch of notifications, all of them were follows and lovely tweets saying how cute you and Jack are together and how nice you are, one tweet caught your eye and made you smile like a fool.

@LilySepticEye: @T/N you and Jack are so cute, I truly wish you guys the happiest of forevers together :)

You liked the tweet and thanked her, telling her how awesome she is, then you followed her and carried on going throygh your mentions.

*time skip*

You and Jack had settled on the sofa to watch Mrs. Brown's Boys, you looked out the window to see the rain pouring, the droplets were racing on the window, and the gentle taps of the rain against the glass relaxed you, it made you feel cosy.
"Y/N?" Jack asked suddenly, making you jump slightly.
"Yeeees?" you chanted.
"I was thinking, PAX Prime is coming up, I was wondering, if you're up for it, would you maybe want to come with me? I know you wanted to see Molly, Wade, Mark and everyone again, and it could be real fun"
Your eyes went bright again, like a thousand fairies dancing in the wind.
"Aw yes! I would love to go with you, Sean"
His smile shone across his face.
"Great! I'll get all our tickets booked soon"
"Aw, I'm not having you pay for everything! I'll get my tickets"
Jack smiled and pulled you in tighter, you snuggled up to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and continuing to watch the TV.

My Personal Hero {Jacksepticeye X Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang