Chapter Twenty-Eight - The White Room

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Y/N = Your Name

You flickered your eyes open slowly, the light above you was bright and it made your eyes sore, the ceiling was a blinding white colour. You flinched and looked around, the entire room was white, the walls, floor, even the door.
Your breathing deepened. Where are you? What is this place? Why are there no people? You began to panic and twitch, you tried to sit up, but your head was pounding from this unfamiliar bright room. You put a hand on your forehead and cried out in pain.
"Hey, hey hey hey! Y/N, it's okay" you heard a familiar voice call out sympathetically, and then felt a soft hand rest on yours. You turned to see Jack, sitting in a chair beside your bed. He gave you a sympathetic smile.
"W... where am I? What happened?"
"You're in the hospital, the doctors said you were knocked unconcious"
"By who?"
"I'm not sure, they never said. Do you not remember?"
"The last thing I can remember is walking to the shop to get syrup"
"Well, that was five days ago. You've been asleep"
"For five days?!"
"Yeah, but you're okay, the doctors said you're going to be just fine"
Jack poured a glass of water from the jug on your bedside table and handed it to you, you gulped down the whole thing after you managed to sit up, and it made your headache calm down.
"Do you want me to get a nurse? She might be able to help you remember what happened"
You shook your head frantically.
"I don't really wanna think about it right now, in case it's bad" you turned your attention to the small TV on the wall, under it was a little table with a DVD player and a small selection of films. You pointed to it.
"Maybe we could watch a movie?"
"Great idea!" Jack got up, stretched, and daudled over to the DVD's.
"Hmm, these are all pretty old" he scanned the films, picking something up.
"How about My Girl? You always loved that film"
Jack popped in the DVD and turned on the TV, picking up two remotes and walking back to his chair.
"So, have you been here the entire five days?"
"Pretty much yeah, I said I wasn't leaving until you woke up, and they pretty much let me live here" he chuckled, as did you, and he intertwined his fingers with yours. Even after all this time, you still felt those butterflies.

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