Chapter Twenty-Nine - Remembering Sunday

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Why yes, that is an All Time Low song and those are lyrics from it ;)

You woke up the next day in the same hospital bed, with Jack asleep in the chair. The TV was still on the DVD menu from the night before, you reached over for the remote and turned it off.
Jack groaned and stretched his arms, then held his neck and whinced.
"It can't be comfortable to sleep in that chair" your voice was croaky so you cleared your throat.
"No it really isn't. How ya feeling today?"
"I'm actually feeling a lot better, but I am starving. Shall we go see what breakfast material this hospital has in the canteen?"
"Sure, if you feel like you can walk?"
"Yep, yeah, I think I'm all good" you nodded, stretching.
"I think I'd also like to figure out what happened to me" you continued.
"Oh, yeah sure. Let's go get food first though, I'm absolutely famished"
Jack helped you out of your bed and held your hand as you walked to the canteen.

*time skip*

You had brought some muffins, cookies and a couple of cups of coffee back to your room, you were sat on your bed, Jack was in the chair as you were trying to remember what had happened.
"Okay so, I went out for syrup, I remember that much, but what day was it?"
"Sunday, and you went pretty early because I was up at 11 and I saw your note. I got a call from the hospital at 12, telling me you'd been brought in"
"Okay, so somebody must have helped me, right?"
"Yeah, they said that it was an elderly woman"
"Is that all they said? No name or anything"
"No, that was it. And they also said you were covered in blood and your clothes were ripped"
"This isn't jogging any memories, I can't remember fuck all, it's pointless"
You sighed and lay back on the bed, at that moment a sweet looking elderly lady entered the room with two policemen.

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