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Well, there's the first chapter! Sorry it's not so good :/ and sorry it took so long to post it! I got way too relaxed in the bath I'm a prune.

That chapter is literally what I was like before I met Jack, I couldn't watch his videos without feeling sick with excitement haha. I still can't believe I met him though :') my friend Rowan wanted a Subway before we went into insomnia and I saw Jack walking past as I was waiting for Rowan and I was like omg, so we went and met him before we even got inside how freakin' lucky. He hugged me twice and nearly knocked my hat off the first time :p he also high fived me so hard I think he transferred some energy over. We met him again later at the actual signing and I got two more hugs and gave him a cupcake, I thanked him for how much he's helped me through a tough year, gave him my letter, cards and present and he signed my sketch book :) it was a great experience!

Signe (his girlfriend) is so lovely, honestly. Both her and Jack are the loveliest people ever. Jack also was kind enough to spam my phone with selfies haha, the one you can see above (if you're on mobile) being my personal favourite :p we got some lovely pictures together too :)

It was so great to actually get to meet him, and I could see just how happy he was to be meeting fans, like I've met so many YouTubers and a lot of the time you can just tell like how cut off they are from it all, and they just seem to be completely fed up with the meet ups and stuff, but Jack wasn't like that at all, he was genuinely happy and excited to be meeting everyone and he was so nice and chatty, it was wonderful to see :) his hugs are also the best hugs to ever hug.

Whoops sorry! I went into complete fangirl mode there :p but I am just so over the moon that I got to meet Jack :') so damn happy.

I might post another chapter of this later, it's only half 10 at night I'm gonna be up for hours yet :p hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!

And I hope you all had great Christmasses if you celebrate it, and happy new year for Friday! Wow after Thursday it won't be 2015 anymore omg....

Have a good one!

- Elsie

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