Chapter Twenty-Seven - Fangirl trouble

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Y/N = Your Name

It was a boiling hot day at the start of May (ha rhymes) you woke up at around 10am, which was early for you, because you were just way too hot lying under a thick, soft duvet with Jack's arms wrapped around you.
You very carefully and quietly got out of bed, so as not to wake him. You stretched and wandered off to the bathroom. Sweat was dripping from your face and neck, so you decided to take a cool shower. You tiptoed back into the bedroom and picked up Jack's Game Grumps t-shirt and some underwear. It's way too hot to wear pants you though, locking the bathroom door and getting into the shower.
After your shower you felt a lot cooler and happier, your legs were on full display, as Jack's t-shirt wasn't too big, but you didn't care. You thought you'd make breakfast for the two of you, you decided on pancakes. Searching the cupboards you saw that Jack had no syrup, you already had a bra and panties on, so you decided to go to the shop to pick up a few things.
You made Jack a coffee and left it on his bedside table, along with a note.

Hey sleepy,
was gonna make
pancakes for us but
you have no syrup.
I'm gonna go get some.
Back soon, I made you coffee.
- Y/N x

You put on some shorts and your black converse and walked to the shop, not bothering with your hair because you were way too roasting to care (again, rhymes) you put on your aviator sunglasses, the sun was blazing down, it was crazy hot today, everyone was walking around barely clothed.
The shop wasn't too far away from the flat, as you approached you noticed a group of young teenage girls in hoodies, eyeing you up and whispering. A little scared, you tried to silently slip past them and walk into the shop to avoid them, but they quickly blocked your path.
"So, you're Y/N?" said a big purple haired girl.
You swallowed nervously and looked down at her t-shirt, she was wearing a Septic tank t-shirt, you sighed.
"Look girls, I don't want any trouble"
"YOU PUT SONNY IN JAIL!!! SHE DID NOT DESERVE THAT!!" Screamed a short blonde girl at the back of the crowd, you felt a volcano of anger and rage about to erupt inside of you.
"Did not deserve it?! SHE WAS GONNA KILL ME!! AND SHE SHOT MARK!! SHE DESERVES TO ROT IN THERE!!" you couldn't help yourself from screaming, your voice echoed around the walls of the shop.
"And you deserve to die" said the big purple haired girl, and before you knew it you had been thrown to the ground, your head cracked on the curb, and you were being beaten senseless.

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