Chapter Thirty - Rose

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L/N = Last Name

"Miss. L/N?" said the thin police officer with the black moustache and thick white glasses, you were a little confused. Why were there policemen here? Did you do something really bad? You gulped nervously.
"Yes?" your voice cracked, and the second ginger haired and freckle faced policeman gave you a wide and sympathetic grin.
"No need to worry Miss, I know that my colleague can seem a bit intimidating, but believe me, he's a big softy" the second policeman had a strong London accent. He placed a hand on the first policeman's shoulder, who rolled his eyes but gave a slight mischievous grin.
"Anyway, this is Rose. She witnessed your attack, she's given us her witness report and we will start the investigation as soon as possible. Rose wanted to make sure you're okay. We'll be on our way now, take care" the policemen left, you looked over to Rose, she had a heartwarming smile on her face, and her hair was full of beautiful white curls, her eyes still sparkled somewhat.
"Hello dear" her voice was like silk in your ears, Jack got up to greet her, he shook her hand.
"Lovely to meet ya Rose, I'm Sean, Y/N's boyfriend. Would you like to sit down?"
"Oh, very kind of you, thank you"
Jack moved aside so that Rose could have the chair, he perched at the end of your bed. Rose turned to you, still smiling.
"How are you feeling, dear?"
"Oh, I'm much better, thank you. Actually, maybe you could help us? See, I can't remember anything about why or how I ended up here, but you saw everything, could you tell us what happened?"
"Of course, I'd be happy to help"
"Great, thank you"
You interlocked your fingers with Jack's again as Rose explained everything in great detail.

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