Chapter Twenty-One - Shots fired

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*idk why I'm using a picture of the land lady from the mask for this chapter but let's just go with it*

Y/N = Your Name

"Oh god. Has that girl even heard of soap?" Mark blurted, as he locked the middle door and leaned against it so Sonny wouldn't be able to get out. You all chuckled, Jack ran over to you and untied your hands, you rubbed them in pain as Jack put both hands on your cheeks and examined your face, you couldn't help but feel those butterflies once again.
"Oh my god Y/N! Are you okay?" he almost shouted.
"I'm fine, you guys got here just in time. She was about to fucking shoot me man, she's insane"
"Well, I'll stay here by the door in case she knocks it down or something crazy" Mark is pressed right up against the door, Jack pulled you up and you both sat down on the bed. You cuddled up to Jack as close as was possible, he held you so tightly, you finally felt safe.
"What about the other door?" Molly asked, as she poured a glass of water.
"What other door?" Mark answered, looking confused.
"Ya know, the door to room 405. The one that we barged in, leaving said door open" Molly handed you the glass of water, you thanked her as you took a sip, and Mark and Molly gave an oh shit expression to each other, and ran to the door to the room.
"Guys, guys, guys. Relax. Alright, she threw the keys to the room on the bed look" you pointed to the keys, and gave Mark and Molly a reassuring look. "Ain't no way she's getting back in here"
Mark and Molly sighed the longest sighs of relief, Molly sat down at the desk and Mark went back over to the middle door.
"Okay, well we can call the police, you two can stay in here until they get here and Molly? You better go let the others know what's happening" Mark piped up, Molly nodded in agreement and left the room.
You felt shock take over your body as you heard the gunshot.

My Personal Hero {Jacksepticeye X Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang