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(Yes I attached a photo of Ethan, sorry I don't have many pictures of Jack on my phone 😅)

But hey! How are you guys doing?

So, I have some FAIRLY exciting news! Since this story is my most popular I thought I'd take a chance and email a link of it to a publisher and guess what? They are interested in publishing it as a real book! The only thing is, they would like a manuscript copy of it along with a synopsis, so I'm going to have to spend some time rewriting the story in Word and then send it over but after that hopefully they'll sign me on a contract and publish this book! It's all so exciting!

I've requested that Jack's name will be changed in the actual book, and others I mentioned like Mark and some others, out of respect to them, and I'll change the name of Indy Pop Con too but other than that hopefully real soon this book will be a real book that you can buy in stores! Ahh so exciting :D

~ Livvy

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