Chapter 4

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Maia's POV

It was surely past 1am now and people were still showing up late. After Sammy had offered me that one drink, I'd been sold on him buying me more.

So far there'd been tequila shots, vodka and cocktails. I'd stopped being sober hours ago.

It had been ages since I'd partied like this. Mainly because I'd become reserved after my last breakup. But I actually felt free for once in my life and it felt good.

"I'm just gonna find my friends but I'll be back." I gestured towards the other side of the club incase he couldn't hear me over the loud music. He nodded in response and started talking to some random guy that was stood next to him. I assumed they knew each other because there was no surprise on the other man's face when Sammy started chatting to him.

I stumbled over to the other side of the room, moving out of the way of legless men and women who were dancing in the middle of the club. I finally managed to get to the other side and spotted Maggie practically sucking the face off of some tan guy.

"MAGGIE!" I shouted so that she'd hear me. She immediately pulled herself away from him and glared at me.

"WHAT?!" She shouted back. "Can't you tell I'm in the middle of something?" She gestured to the man she'd been making out with.

"Where's G?" I asked her, but I walked closer towards her so I didn't need to shout. I was about to lose my voice.

"I saw her with some random guy but I don't care where she is now, I'm busy!" And with that, Maggie turned back and started kissing the same guy again.

"Ew." I turned away and went in the direction of the toilets to see if Georgina was in there.

I didn't make it to the toilets because I found Gee pushed up against the wall with her arms wrapped around another person's neck.

What was it with my friends and them not keeping their hands and lips to themselves? Seriously, they'd make out with any guy who was interested. I was actually considering whether they were sluts right now. I mean, they're my best friends but they could also be really desperate and wild when they wanted to be.

I decided to head back to the bar where Sammy was because I promised I'd return. Also because my friends were in no mood to talk.

When I got back Sammy was talking to some other girl. He had his hands around her waist and she was running her fingers through his hair.

I wasn't jealous, I mean I'd only just started making conversation with the guy, but I was kind of angry. I mean, he was the one who'd wanted to buy me drinks and then he was getting on other women.

However when I started walking up to the bar right next to them and told the bartender my order, Sammy seemed to recognise my voice and turned his body so he was facing me, and no longer holding the blonde tramp stood next to him.

"Maia," He exhaled in relief; that confused me. He had just had his hands around some woman and now he's happy to see me? I don't care if he likes her but I don't exactly want him to act like he likes me too. I don't even know if he does. I'm just overthinking like always. "I thought you'd never return."

"You didn't huh? You kept yourself busy when I was looking for my friends, I see." I said eyeing up the hoe.

"What?" Sammy looked a bit taken aback by the bitterness in the tone of my voice.

"It doesn't matter." I muttered and handed over some cash for the drink I'd bought. I was walking away when for the second time that night, Sammy stopped me.

"Stay." He said patting the seat next to him.

"But we were having fun Sam." the blonde haired girl fluttered her eyelashes innocently at Sammy and pushed her arms together to make her boobs appear bigger.

"Piss off Lia," Sam turned his back on her but I still gauged her reaction to his words. She gaped at him in surprise and then stormed out of the club doors, clearly agitated by the attention being taken away from her. "Sorry if she was bugging you, she's annoying." He rolled his eyes but gave me an apologetic look.

I decided to forgive him, I mean I probably won't see him again so what's the point in holding a grudge. Besides being the slut Lia seemed to be anyway, she probably came onto him. "It's fine."

Sam bought me even more drinks if it was even possible to consume as much alcohol as I had in this evening. Sammy himself seemed to slur his words a bit signifying that he was tipsy like me.

We got a few more drinks before suddenly the song playing on the speakers changed and my favourite song came on, Could Be (pretend it's by another artist in this fanfiction).

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted above the music. "THIS IS MY FAVOURITE SONG EVER!"

"Wanna dance?" Sammy raised an eyebrow at me and I nodded.

"I thought you'd never ask."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dancefloor. I instantly started grinding on him in time to the rhythm of the music.

He looked shocked at first and I could feel him harden against me but as the song progressed he seemed to really get into it and joined me.

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