Chapter 41

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Sammy's POV

I was waiting out this phone call, who I don't even know, is on the other end of line. I tried to swallow the lump of fear in my throat but nothing would rid it from the very back of my mouth.

Taylor seemed far more tense than when he arrived. I'd expect him to be sympathetic but he gave off this sense that if the person who'd taken Maia was in this room, he'd beat them with his own bare hands. No, that was my job.

This person had taken my sip of sunshine, my beauty of everyday on this planet, and my baby. They had taken what mattered most to me.

"Why'd you call me?" Taylor asked out of nowhere. "I mean, not that I wish you hadn't but why not call Gilinsky? Or Johnson? Or Nate?" Taylor trailed off and the air grew as the silence stretched on.

I licked my lips to rid of the dry skin. "I guess I knew you'd understand me. Didn't you used to have that ex girlfriend who left and you never wanted her to. I guess it's not the same knowing that she hasn't left me but she's not within my reach.

"But you get me, and Gilinsky is dealing with Madison right now, Johnson is more focused on his education and all Nate cares about is getting high to forget his past. I just needed someone and you seemed the only person that wouldn't protest to my attitude and behaviour prior to everything that's happened." I looked down at my shaking hands that were clasped together lightly.

Taylor looked at them too and then clapped a hand onto my back. "I respect you man and even though I may not fully understand under these certain circumstances, I know what it's like to lose someone you love, especially without even acknowledging the terms of goodbye."

The silence in the room was daunting in a way but it also gave me a sense of comfort to know that it wasn't just me that was thinking a lot about everything that's happened.

Taylor's POV

Little does he know how much I can relate. I mean, I love her and she's trapped somewhere I don't even know by someone I don't even know. How am I even supposed to start looking somewhere I'm not even sure would be the correct place?

It was definitely going to be challenging, but I'd do anything for her. Anything to win back the trust I so foolishly lost. Anything to win back the heart that I wished I could claim. I guess time will tell. But my first step was going to be a big one, and it had to be getting her back.

At quarter past midnight, Sammy had passed out on the couch and I was rummaging around in his cupboards for some food that hadn't run out of date.

In my haste, I knocked over a few boxes of cereal. "Shit." I muttered under my breath and tried to be quiet whilst collecting the little pieces that had scattered across the tiles.

I peered closely at the floor when I found a little note in and among the cereal strewn everywhere. If I hadn't been squatted close to the tiles, I doubt I would've seen it. I picked it up, being surprisingly delicate, and flipped the paper over in my fingers.

264 Dulcee Rd, LA

I turned the note over again, trying to see if I'd missed anything. Something in my mind felt wrong. This could just be something the boys could have accidentally placed in a cereal box. It had to be them. Who else would have done it?

Yet there was also something in my mind nagging me that it could lead me to the place where Maia awaited. I wasted no time in hastily stuffing the note in my jacket pocket, already having the address memorised in my head, and grabbed my car keys off the counter.

I slipped past Sammy, successfully not waking him up, and carefully shut the door behind me.

Driving around in the dark was no problem for me and it sometimes made me wonder if I had night vision or if I was just an amazing driver. Not to brag.

My heart started pounding, literally threatening to fall out of my chest, when I neared the destination where the note had addressed. I parked the car somewhere relatively close by but also somewhere where it wouldn't be classed as suspicious and identifiable.

Goosebumps creeped up on my arms, legs and the back of my neck as I cut the engine and opened the car door. The air wasn't particularly chilly, but it wasn't exactly warm either. It only added to the chills vibrating my body.

My footsteps were the only sound audible on the road and there were no lights illuminated from any buildings or houses except for the dim glow from the few street lamps that littered the road. I wasn't exactly surprised that people didn't have any lights on in the buildings I walked past, but none at all? That's crEEpY.

I walked slower still when I finally got to the outside of the building. I stood, staring up at it, undressing it and trying to figure out what was hidden behind the walls. It remained a mystery to me, for there was nothing that indicated other than normal. No strange lights, no weird noises, no graffiti, no symbols, and no cars parked nearby. Hhmm.

I thought about turning back. Maybe it was just an address Nate could pick his weed up from. But then I suggested it in my head. If it was one of his buddies, what was the risk anyway?

This was how I managed to convince myself to put one foot in front of the other and actually walk to the door. I inhaled deeply before knocking twice on the wooden door.

I could hear the knocks echoing through the house on the other side and it sent more shivers through my body. I was getting more uncomfortable by the second. And to add to my fear, the darkness outside seemed to be getting darker and darker. I'd be needing my phone's flashlight soon. Great, nothing inconspicuous about that.

After two minutes I decided to knock again. Not to be annoying, but to make sure that whoever was in there had heard me.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I could hear murmurs only just identifiable to my ears, emitting from the other side of the door. I pressed my ear against the open lock, to get a better access of the voices.

"Don't go. We don't anyone working out that she's here." A male voice spoke.

"But what if it's Sammy?" The woman whined. I'd only heard her voice once and it already gave me a headache.

"Like he'll ever come back; don't get your hopes up." The voices were growing fainter and my hope was fading. I could already figure out they were talking about Maia from the moment that they'd mentioned Sam.

My worry only grew and I knew I needed to get in there. But how? I was about to find out.

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