Chapter 19

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Sammy's POV

This was what I'd been missing, what I'd been waiting for. Exactly this. It was perfect. Her lips on mine. My hands travelling down her body and her hands tangled in my hair.

Everything around us disappeared as the kiss continued. I was lost in a world where there was only Maia and me. It had been worth the wait although I wish we could do this everyday but I don't know how she feels.

Of course, I know what you're thinking. Sam can't have feelings for anyone, he never settles down. And while yes, that is true; this is different. Maia is different.

For once, I actually get nervous around her and care what she thinks of me and the things I do. I think I really like her. And I don't want to push her or anything, but I need to know if she feels the same. If she doesn't give me the answers then I'll be forced to return to Maggie and ask for them through her.

But my thoughts were also lost in the moment with Maia and before long all I was thinking about was what was happening right here, right now. Our tongues clashing, our lips moving in sync. It actually felt right, unlike most things in my life.

I was surprised when she pulled away abruptly. Then she inhaled sharply and I turned to see what she was looking at.

Walking up to us, was a very angry looking Jack Johnson. He didn't even pause before he reached us and did something that shocked me to the core. He swung a punch at me. And after the first one, he went back for more.

He only got so far before Maia pulled him off me, or tried to at least, and convinced him to stop.

I didn't seem to be the only one who wasn't expecting Johnson's reaction to be that. Maia's eyes were wide and she looked pretty shaken up, like Jack aimed at her although he didn't.

"Johnson, go home." She instructed him. He pushed off her and walked a few metres away from the both of us.

"I'll do what I want when I want you whore. First one minute you're going on a date with me and then you're kissing my friend."

"Hey, hey. Don't call her a whore." My gaze hardened and I could've ripped his head off for calling her that. I looked over at Maia and almost broke down at what I saw. I softened up immediately.

There Maia stood. Her arms limp at her sides, her face drained of colour except for the black tear-stains running down her cheeks. I ran to her and cradled her in my arms. She sobbed into the crook of my neck and I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

Johnson left when people starting coming out of the diner to see what was going on. He'd realised he'd made a scene and he chose to exit before it got even more out of hand than it already was.

I walked Maia over to my car after embracing her for a bit longer. I didn't want to take advantage of her right now so I stopped myself from trying anything.

"Want me to drop you home?" I grabbed her hand and held it with the hand I wasn't driving with.

"Home is the last place I want to be right now. Besides I'd only be alone, I need company right now to prevent me from feeling worse about myself." She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her top.

"Want to come to mine? I promise I won't try anything." I looked over at her, waiting for her answer.

"Sure, only if you don't mind me there."

"Of course I don't mind." I kissed the back of her hand and held it for the rest of the car ride. I was definitely softening up and I'm not sure whether I liked it or not.

When we arrived at my house, I opened the car door for Maia and walked her up the driveway. I opened the door and allowed her in first.

I pulled her by her arm upstairs to my room because I didn't want to make things worse for her by Jack running into her, that was possible if we stayed downstairs.

However, Jack wasn't downstairs; in fact he was where I least expected him to be. He was sat on my bed, waiting for me, in my room.

Considering the way Maia was staring at him, if looks could kill then Jack would be long dead.

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