Chapter 24

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Maia's POV

I don't know why or how but when I woke up, I'd had a set of arms strewn around me. I'd jumped up and realised it was Johnson. In some way it comforted me that a stranger didn't have their arms around me, but I was still confused as to why Jack was here. I mean, I kinda blew him off for Sammy.

He'd said that he'd just wanted to make sure I was alright but I wasn't sure if that was entirely the truth. I prevented myself from digging deeper in case I figured out something I didn't want to know.

He'd stayed with me since then and we'd just relished in our silence whilst watching plenty of movies. I paused the current movie when I heard a mouse-like knock at the door, at least I thought I heard. It was that quiet that it could have been my imagination to be honest.

However, I sighed and got up from the sofa I'd been sat on for the duration of the day.

There was someone's face I was not expecting to see when I opened that door. Sam's.

Sammy's POV

I felt so nervous, like she was controlling every part of me. When I knocked on the door it took every little bit of courage I had, which still probably wasn't enough. My hands shook even more when I heard the door unlock and eventually open.

I looked up hesitantly, my eyes locking instantly with the ones I'd missed seeing so much.

Without even thinking what I was doing I walked up that last remaining step and into her house, pinning her to the wall and connecting our lips. It felt perfect. She even kissed back. That was until we were very rudely interrupted.

It was no other than, once again, Jack Johnson. Did he always have to ruin our perfect moments? I was preparing myself mentally in case he decided he wanted another punch out of it.

When he noticed my worried and anxious expression, he raised his hands in surrender and smiled at the both of us. "I'm sorry about before Sammy, you two are cute together. I guess I was just jealous that I don't have what you two do."

And with one last look back at us, he walked out of the open door and shut it behind him. As soon as he was gone, me and Maia got back to where we'd been before. My lips on hers. Our bodies pushed against each other, only a few layers of clothing separating the contact of bare skin.

Maia pulled away and before I could say anything, she jumped in, "I love this, more than you know but you just left me hanging for a week and then you come back and do that. No matter how much I wish we could ignore it and move on, we need to talk." She directed me towards the sofa.

She sat further away from me than I liked and the distance killed me. I wanted her to be sat on my lap and our hands intertwined. Like two puzzle pieces that fit together, because that's what we were. Two connecting pieces.

She remained quiet until she seemed to compose herself and then said, "I missed you. But I also don't know why you did what you did." It looked like it took her all the strength in the world for her not to cry right now in front of me. I just wanted to rub her back and tell her everything was going to be okay. But hell, I didn't even know the answer to that.

"I did it on a whim. I thought that since I'd hurt you, the same would happen again. I was trying to protect you and keep you safe from myself but it only seemed to cause more pain. For us both." I looked down, not baring to look directly at her. We'd both end up in tears and I needed to be strong for her.

"Sam you keep me safe already, you protect me. What you did was an accident, an accident that you could've been in instead of me. These things just happen to the most random people without reason. Understand that Sam." Then she closed the distance that had been bugging me and grabbed ahold of my hand like I'd wanted.

"I just want you to know that..." I stopped mid-sentence, afraid of what she'd reply to with what I was about to say.

"What is it Sam?" She looked me in the eyes and I blurted it without thinking. She had that effect on me.

"I think I'm falling in love with you. Quickly as well. It's that easy, because you're very lovable to me." Once I'd finished my sentence, she wasted no time straddling me and connecting our lips. There was so much passion. So much love. Nothing like the kisses I'd shared with many girls before; the drunk, mindless kisses. Instead, this was the most sober and passionate kiss I'd ever had. The best feeling I'd ever experienced.

I savoured the moment, memorising every second of the kisses we shared. Before long, we were down to our underwear and I was carrying her upstairs. I'd never felt more drunk when I was entirely sober.

I laid her gently down on the bed, still treating her like the most precious thing in the world because she is to me. But Maia was rougher than I was. Then I processed, she really wants this. I need to show her that I do too, because I do want this, more than anything.

As we made our way to being fully naked, it literally felt like we were ripping our remaining clothes off of each other. There was so much lust, so much need for each other. To be inside one another.

Our kisses continued and this time when I brought out the all too familiar foil packet from the drawer, Maia didn't even look nervous. She was all for it. I took that as a yes for being positive about this and slid my length into her.

Immediately her whole body relaxed and she threw her head back in pleasure. I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying it either. I had a beautiful view right in front of me.

Like the first night I'd had sex with her, she screamed daddy for me. That kink seemed to have gotten hotter since Maia had started calling me by it. She made everything hot. This time, she even gave me a personal handjob.

Maia's POV

"BABYGIRL!" He screamed as I rolled my hands up and down his length. He seemed to be enjoying my handiwork and I was definitely enjoying him scream for me. We both had kinks, what more could I say?

Once I'd finished my job, he wasted no time before his length entered me once again and filled me up. It was so satisfying. I craved this. And I was actually getting what I wanted. And from someone I really wanted it from.

We both admitted to being close to our climaxes and before I knew what was going on, Sammy had spilled all over the sheets. We finished shortly after and just laid there, naked and practically glowing.

"I'm falling in love with you too Sammy." I spoke after finding the courage. Sure, I'd been bold when having sex because I was sure that's what I wanted. But when I'd mentioned the 'l' word, there was no going back. Even if I was betrayed, even if he broke my heart, the word would have always been there. I guess that's the only thing I was afraid of, the fear of rejection. Even though Sam himself had said the same, people could lie. Easily as well. But I knew that I wasn't and that was enough for me.

There was a silence that followed, not awkward. Comfortable actually. Like we were just sat there thinking about what had happened literally like five minutes ago.

"Wanna take a shower?" Sam spoke up, I turned to face my favourite smirk and I replied with a broad smile. He grabbed my hand and picked me up. After the shower was turned on, we stood under the shower head until we decided that space couldn't pull as apart again and our lust consumed us. Round two came around and our pleasure was obvious.

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