Chapter 16

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Maggie's POV

Oh no. She knows Jack's been calling me, she's going to end up doing something she'll regret; even if Jack does deserve it.

I snatched my phone from where it was placed and headed downstairs. I could hear Maia calling me from here.

"Maggie! Stop! Wait up."

I stopped, like instructed, at the bottom of the stairs but when Maia stood by my side, I didn't say anything. She wouldn't understand. She didn't know that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get over Jack.

Him calling me had been actually good. I got to hear his voice, if only for a few seconds and then end the call which makes me feel in control.

I zoned out of whatever Maia was trying to talk to me about and began walking to the front door. But Maia beat me to it; she grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"What is it with you? I'm trying to understand what's going on but you won't let me try." She flailed her arms about and made other gestures but I couldn't concentrate properly.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand even if you tried." I shrugged her arm off and kept walking for the door.

"You have no right to say that to me. After I told you everything I went through when Ethan left me. Oh and don't forget the sacrifices I made for you. Going out that club the other week for you." She sighed in exasperation and I heard her footsteps stop about 5 metres away from me.

I turned around and snarled in her face. "At least that guy didn't rip you off like Jack did to me. You think you get nothing but you take it for granted. Don't think for a second that you're the only one who went through what you did when Ethan went."

"YOU CHOSE HIM! That was your own choice that you got ripped off. Better luck next time with guys, maybe chose someone more suited to the non-fuckboy type." She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest.

I could feel my eyes tearing up and my vision became blurry. "I don't know if you noticed but it's been 2 years Maia, 2 years since Ethan left. And yes, maybe you never get over some things but at least you've had time to adjust to that. It had been 2 years since you'd last gone partying properly; I only wanted what was best for you. Why can't you give me the time I need too?" I was nearly into hysterics after everything I'd said was out of my mouth.

"You're not like me Maggie, you don't need time. You'll find Jack's qualities in the next guy." She looked down at her feet as if she couldn't bear to look me in the eye and say that.

"You know I've tried to be nice, but I guess it's not working out because I'm not getting the same response in return. You know what, I'm sick of dealing with the bullshit you throw on me. You treat me like I'm an entirely different species, like I'm not allowed to have emotions. But guess what, I'm human like you; so suck it up."

And with that I turned on my heel, opened the door with force and slammed it behind me.

Maia's POV

I didn't even mean to say all them things to Maggie. But as soon as the first word left my mouth, I couldn't stop. All the emotions that'd been kept in from not talking about Ethan to anyone in a while, had been bottled up and is released them on Maggie without meaning to.

Words couldn't describe how bad I felt about the things I said and the way I acted towards one of my best friend ever.

I decided I was going to take my anger out on something else. On someone else. Something I'd been dying to do for a while. It'd been coming for them for a while. Fresh cooked karma is served Jack. You don't even know what's coming for you.

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