Chapter 14

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Maia's POV

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with popcorn kernels in my hair from dropping off in a bowl of the remains.

However it was not the popcorn that woke me, it was my phone ringing. I picked it up and answered without checking Caller ID.


"Maia, please help me!" I recognised Maggie's voice as she wailed out over the speakerphone.

"Mags, hold up - what's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows. It must be pretty bad. Maggie hardly ever gets emotional, I've only ever seen her cry once and it was when she was sent to hospital for dislocating her hip as a young child.

"Just please get to Delicious Diner as fast as you can. I'm in trouble."

And with that, she ended the call. Leaving me wondering what on earth was wrong with her.

I wasted no time putting on some shoes, throwing my hair up into a messy bun and heading out to my car, not caring what I looked like in the slightest. Maggie needed my help and I was going to be there for her.

Halfway through the drive I phoned Georgina to catch her up on what I knew about what happened to Maggie and where she currently was. Gee said she was stuck in traffic so she'd be running late to meet us.

When I pulled up at the diner, it was lit up with at least 4 cop cars lights. Officers were everywhere. One was at the entrance to the restaurant. Another was by his car, I assumed it was him anyway. One was with an unfamiliar girl who had brown wavy hair and a petite frame. And the last officer was stood with a familiar face that I'd notice anywhere.

"MAGGIE!" I ran over and nearly knocked her to the ground. The officer even had to move out of the way although he stayed fairly close by. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

Maggie looked down and that's only when I noticed the muddy stains on her jeans and the rips on her t-shirt. When she looked back up her lip was cut and bleeding, and her eye looked swollen and purple.

She fumbled with her fingers nervously while I stood gaping at her. I couldn't believe this. Not in a million years would I think Maggie's emotions would get the best of her. This was the worst of everything possible if it got to this point.

"Mags? Wh-What happened?" I pulled her into my chest when I saw a tear trail down her cheek. I was genuinely scared. Like I said before, Maggie hardly ever showed true emotion and it was always something really bad when it did happen. She was hardly ever phased.

"H-he lied-d to m-me!" She sobbed. Her voice was barely audible and she was stuttering like mad but I understood clearly enough to make out the words spewing from her mouth.

"What? Who?!" I pulled her face away from my chest to look her directly in the eyes. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now. No one had the right to hurt Maggie, she's awesome.

"Jack." She cried harder, if it was possible and buried her head on my shoulder.

"I'm going to kill him. What did he do?" I narrowed my eyes at thin air, imagining him stood in front of me.

"He cheated. But not with me. He cheated on his actual girlfriend with me." She made it through the sentence without stuttering, thankfully.

"I thought you were his girlfriend." I cocked an eyebrow.

"I thought that too but him and her have been going out for a year. Or did go out, I don't know if she plans on breaking it up now that she knows."

Maggie's sobs had died down and now all that was left was the remainder of tears. I wiped them from her face and hugged her once again.

"Why are there cops here then? Care to explain that?" I wasn't using a hint of sarcasm. I definitely wouldn't blame Mags for whatever she'd done, she had anger issues and she dealed with things differently than other people would. But to be truthfully honest, I'd probably react the same as she has.

"I got in a fight with his girlfriend. Like a real fight." Maggie chuckled. It was obvious she was beginning to regain her sarcastic demeanour.

I slung an arm around her shoulder. "You know I'm actually gonna kill Jack right?"

"No, you're not." Maggie laughed.

"Yeah I know, I'm chopping off his balls instead and selling them at some market. Although to be honest nobody will want them." We both laughed hysterically and waited for Georgie to show up.

She soon did and we all crashed at my place, with drunk thoughts and drunk dreams.

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