Chapter 38

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Sammy's POV

In the last 5 hours, I'd be wandering anywhere within walking distance and then driving all the places that weren't within that same distance. But still, to my utter dread and disappointment, there'd been no sign or appearance of Maia.

The longer her disappearance went on, the less hope I could muster. I had lost faith and it seemed like Maggie had too. For the past hour she'd been screaming into pillows and crying loud enough surely for Maia to hear wherever she was.

It must've been 10 hours since Maia had been taken when I got a phone call. Maggie and me were laid on separate couches and when the phone rung, her reaction was priceless. She fell face first on the floor but literally faster than the eye could train.

I quickly composed my laughter when I realised that Maia was still missing. There was no way I could live without her, let alone laugh without her. My whole tone and posture turned serious and dread, once again, drowned all other emotions.

As I picked up my phone, I noticed it was a blocked number calling me. It only added to my confusion when I answered the call and was left sitting with silence on the other end of the phone. That was until someone spoke up.

The woman giggled, "I know where your precious little girlfriend is."

Maia's POV

I still don't know who's trapped me in here. The only sleep I've had is when someone injected me through the small cracks in the box and I passed out from the strength of the toxins. When I'd woken up again, there'd been enough light shining through the small space for me to notice a tray of stale food and a cup of water perched at the end of my 'bed'.

I'd tried to eat it, knowing that I wouldn't really be getting much food if I was trapped her for a long time, but passed up on swallowing it when the taste was declined by my tastebuds as tasty in any way.

I froze when I heard footsteps approaching, then I laid still pretending to be asleep so I wouldn't have to be injected again. Man, I hated injections. But there was something I hated more now, my kidnapper.

The click of heels tapping against tiles loomed even closer, until the light that was sifting through the cracks in the box shifted and a silhouette blocked my line of sight.

I felt paralysed when she finally spoke up. "I see you're finally awake. I'm glad, I've got good news for you."

I could see her freakishly pearly white teeth from her and my instincts were screaming at me that whatever she was about to tell me wasn't going to be good, not even in the slighest.

"Sammy's coming to save you," I felt as if this woman had slapped me right across the face and left a burning mark. I couldn't believe my ears. "Isn't he the perfect boyfriend? What more could you ask for? I had that once too." After she said those last words, her smile faded and an evil smirk played around her lips.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered in fear. I didn't know anything about this person, or what she was capable of but to pull a stunt like this she must be high on a list of people you should fear and not underestimate.

"Oh, but I think you heard me. I said I had that once too." She turned her head to the side like she was holding back tears and didn't want me to see but it was evident that wasn't what she'd been doing. When she looked back towards where my box was, her eyes danced with a sort of unknown challenge. Anyone that'd ever called me crazy had clearly not met this chick.

"Yeah but I don't get what you mean still." She rolled her eyes at me and looked away like she was replaying a memory in her mind.

"Typical, he always went for the dumb ones. I mean, I wasn't, but every other girl was," she chuckled mischievously and then ran her fingertips along the edge of my crate, almost like she was checking for dust. "Sammy and me were in love, that was until you showed up. You captured him in a trance and he didn't pay any attention to me. He pushed me away until it was only you and him. But do you know what, if I don't deserve my way, why do you deserve yours? I'd done nothing wrong and yet I got left, I got denied, and I was left feeling unloved. Tell me why did I get all of this pinned on me?"

She didn't ask me directly and I felt like maybe she was trying to ask the voices inside her head, like I sometimes longed to do. However, she turned her body back towards me like she was asking me for an answer. I didn't know it myself though so I decided to remain silent. But my head chose differently and wanted to speak up.

"Honestly, I don't know why you went through what you did go through and I'm sorry for that. But you can't blame me for the feelings that Sam developed for me. I didn't plan for that to happen, I didn't just magic up these feelings for him so I could have him all to myself. So maybe this plan all works out and you kill me and you get him all to yourself but what happens then? He won't love you, you can't force someone to love you and they can't force you to love them. I don't know what you plan on doing still, but just to tell you before you do that without another thought, that will be the end result."

For a second, I thought my words had eventually processed through her brain when her back slouched and she hid her face behind her hands. However I was later incorrected when she removed her hands from where'd they'd been placed against her face.

"Whatever. Sammy's loved me before, he can do it again." And with that, she left; the sound of heels tapping against the floor was ingraved into my brain.

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