Chapter 15

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Maia's POV

I woke up and checked my phone for the time. My eyes widened majorly when I looked and it indicated that it was 2pm. I wasn't missing anything but I was surprised at how long I'd slept.

I heard soft whimpers coming from the bathroom down the hall so I headed there. I stood outside until I realised that it was Maggie crying in there.

"Maggie?" I said faintly. I didn't want to shock her or scare her.

She coughed a little as if sharpening her voice and replied, "Yeah?"

"Are you okay? Please let me in." There was no sternness in my tone. I knew not to push Maggie, and I wanted to help her; especially when she was this upset. Karma was coming for Jack.

After a few minutes of waiting outside the bathroom door, the bolt was pulled and the door unlocked. As it slightly opened, I slipped inside and faced a puffy eyed Maggie.

I didn't mean to look pitiful but I couldn't help it. When your best friend looked like that, sympathy is all that comes to your emotions. We hugged for a long time.

We finally pulled away and headed downstairs to eat our very favourite stack of pancakes. Nutella, whipped cream and sprinkles were our favourite toppings!

When we were done, we chose to watch some horror films. Mags decided first on romance movies but I didn't want her to feel upset all over again, or witness it for that matter. So she'd decided on her next favourite type of movies, horror.

She took a seat on the sofa in my living room whilst I heated microwaveable popcorn and got us both some soda.

"It's coming on M!" She shouted through to me in the kitchen.

"Coming!" I grabbed the bowl and the cans and speed-walked through to sit on the couch. "Here." I passed her the drink and placed the popcorn in the space between us.

The movie was pretty shit to be honest but then again, I never got scared by horror films. They were never realistic enough and believable. I didn't say anything though in case Mags changed it to a romance.

I washed the bowl our popcorn had been in and placed the cans in the trash. Me and Maggie headed upstairs to get ready. She dashed to the toilet whilst I was getting dressed.

No sooner had I pulled my t-shirt over my head than Maggie's phone started ringing. She didn't seem to hear it from down the hall so I wandered over to where it was to check who was calling.

It came up with No Caller ID but I answered it anyway. I waited for the person on the other end of line to speak.

"Hello?" A deep voice echoed down the line.

I didn't speak, I was trying to identify the voice and who it belonged to. I still didn't know who it was though.

"Hello? Maggie?" The same voice said.

"Who is this?"


My blood started boiling and I felt like I could fling the phone all the way to China.

"Maggie, listen-"

"I'm not Maggie, don't call again. Bye."

I angrily pressed the 'end call' button and growled under my breath. How dare he call her? I wonder if that's why she was crying this morning.

I could hear Maggie returning to my room so I put her phone back and sat on the bed. When she walked in, she looked straight at me and instantly knew something was up.

"What is it Maia?" She frowned at me, seriously not knowing what had shaken me up so badly.

"Jack called."

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