Chapter 40

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Maia's POV

I knew it was hopeless. This kicking and screaming that I'd been doing for hours. The only accomplishment I'd made was losing my voice. Fantastic. My breathing hitched when I heard loud, heavy footsteps heading towards me, and it wasn't just one person. My eyes widened and I peeked out of the wood, looking for answers. I could just make out the legs of some men and - wait - another box?

Sammy's POV

My sobs had continued on for hours. And no matter how much reassurance Taylor gave me, or no matter how many times I told myself that I had no more tears left, the river continued.

Taylor looked a tad uncomfortable but remained rooted by my side. When he'd arrived, all I'd managed to say was, "She's gone." He probably thought she'd left me or run away.

I tried to push back the tears threatening to spill and achieved it even though a few escaped past my barriers.

"Taylor. She's really gone." I managed to choke out. My voice kept breaking but I was determined to tell him what had happened. I needed someone to convince me it was going to be alright because at this moment in time, I couldn't believe it myself.

"Why would she-"

"No. Taylor. She's gone." I interrupted him.

"What do you mean Sam?" Taylor looked puzzled but I could sense a hint of fear in his eyes. I was intrigued by it.

"She was kidnapped. Right in this house. I was here too. But I was too late." My eyes welled up again just thinking that I could have prevented this all happening. That I was seconds away from saving her, and me, from this place called hell. That I could have beaten the shit out of the person that has stolen her from my life.

"Sam." Taylor looked like he was about to cry and my confusion grew. I had too many thoughts in my head, too many questions. I needed to load some of them off, and I wanted answers. But how was I gonna get them.

Taylor's POV

I can't believe someone took her. The love of my life. My baby. Well, she used to be, and she thinks that I don't love her anymore. She's dead wrong.

Who would do this to her? One thing is for sure, they're gonna be dead when they finished with me, or Sammy. I could tell by the black bags under Sammy's eyes that he'd had sleepless nights and had probably spent some of those driving around trying to find her, walking around the neighbourhood searching in unpredictable places, or drinking his worries away since he probably had too many to count on his fingers.

My sympathy went out to him. But at the same time, I was devastated too. It was like I was heartbroken all over again.

Thing is, Maia was my first proper girlfriend. She was unique, different to the others. I'd never been with anyone seriously before her, and she was my first and only commitment. She called, I was there. She talked, I listened. She cried, I hurt. It's still the same. It's just that I can't be there for her anymore.

It was summer break and Maia said that she couldn't join me and our friends on our road trip through America. So instead, she stayed home completing the many assignments she had yet to finish.

I remember one night, the night I lost everything: her, my dignity, my pride, my joy, and my happiness, I got really drunk. Like the worst type of drunk you can be. I couldn't even stand properly. So this girl, who was also extremely drunk, assisted me. It was two years ago and I still flinch at the memory. It wasn't pretty.

I'd been waiting to lose my virginity to Maia. She was 16 and I was 17. But instead, I ended up losing my v-card to some slut whilst I was under the intoxication of alcohol.

When I woke up, I remembered it all instantly and almost threw up at what I'd done. I'd been sick of myself. I couldn't forgive myself for what I'd done, and neither could Maia.

On the night I'd had sex with this random girl, who I never saw or ever wanted to see again, I must have unlocked my phone and sent her loads of pictures and videos of me in bed with another girl.

One day later and I returned home from the trip, not wanting to carry on my travels without knowing how Maia was. But as soon as I showed up at her front door, I was booted off by her mother. I wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. The girl I loved the most hated me. I think she still does. But I'm trying, I'm gonna try so goddamn hard to fix the things I messed up.

Starting with this. I was going to save Maia.

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