Chapter 47

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Gilinsky's POV

- two weeks later -

Today was the day that Johnson was being released from the hospital after Maia had been released yesterday. The doctors had found out that they'd been drugged under high intoxicants and we're lucky to have survived.

Maia's leg had been broken and she'd had high amounts of blood loss from her head. Thankfully, although maybe not for her, she'd survived the worst.

Maggie had surprisingly not been injected but left in the box to die instead. I felt sorry for her and every time she walked past me, she shifted her gaze and wouldn't even bring her eyes to look at me.

None of us had talked about what had happened yet and none of the others apart from me and Johnson knew that Taylor was dead. Sammy and me were going to talk to the police but first we all needed to talk about what had happened and what was going to happen.

I still didn't know who was behind these attacks but I think Sammy had an idea.

Maia's POV

I woke up to somebody's phone ringing in my ear. Realising it was Sammy's phone on my nightstand, I picked it up and groggily answered.

I was so glad to be finally home but me and Sammy had also made lots of trips to the hospital and it felt like I was still living there. Mainly for Johnson's purposes but sometimes it was to check my health.

"Hello?" My eyes were at slits and as I looked around my bedroom, I realised I was alone. Sammy must've either gone downstairs or something, he wouldn't have left his phone otherwise.

"Sammy?" I realised it was Gilinsky and slumped down in bed, wondering if what he was about to say was as important as waking me up.

"No, Maia," I was growing irritated. "What'd you need?"

"Well I was gonna talk to Sammy," Jack seemed unsure but continued nonetheless. "We all need to speak."

"What do you mean?" I wrinkled my forehead in confusion. "All?"

"Yeah. Johnson's getting released later today and we have some pretty big news to tell you." Jack's voice broke and I could already tell that the news wasn't going to be good.

"Okay, I'll tell Sammy when I see him." I softly replied.

"Later." I ended the call and placed the phone back on the nightstand. Seconds later, Sammy's phone pinged once receiving a text message from Jack.

Jack - when I said "all" I meant everyone. bring anyone involved, even Georgina if she knows a thing or two. I expect Sammy, Johnson, Maggie, you and her to be at the diner in an hour.

I quickly replied and pressed the send button, my eyebrows furrowing.

Maia - no Taylor or Nate?

Jack's reply was blunt, short, and made me even more curious.

Jack - no.

I sighed, putting the phone down once again and swinging my legs off the bed. As soon as my feet came in contact with the floor I yelped, it was freezing being wood and all.

I decided to head downstairs to grab breakfast and see where Sammy was on the way down.

When I reached the kitchen I found Sammy sitting there emotionless, staring blankly at the wall. He hadn't even realised I'd walked in.

I walked up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I giggled and swung around onto his lap.

For a second, his blank look returned and then it was lost when a broad smile covered his face. I felt like putty in his hands.

"When did you wake up? Did you have a good sleep?"

"I had a perfect one thank you very much. Although it would've been better had I woken up to you by my side," I raised my eyebrows at him and he looked guilty for a second. "But I woke up when Gilinsky called your phone. He was wanting to meet up. With all of us." I emphasised the "us" part and a look of worry passed over Sammy's face.

"I guess we all have things to share with each other and what we learned." His face turned grave and I grew upset seeing him like this. I pecked his lips gently and the smile retuned, except for this time it looked like it was for show. Little did he know I knew a fake smile when I saw one.

"What?" I combed my fingers through his hair and his eyes closed in relaxation.

"Nothing, nothing." Sam mumbled. I frowned and stopped messing with the strands of blonde. He opened his eyes slowly and found me pouting at him in confusion. Sighing, he brought me closer to him.

"Look, I just don't want to worry you. You're probably going to find everything out later anyway when we're all confessing tonight."

"About that, it's in half an hour," I bit my lip and I jumped up from Sam's lap. "I should go and get ready. Don't worry too much baby."

He smiled slightly at the pet name and his eyes never left me as I headed back up to my room. When I got to my closet, I picked out my outfit and started getting prepared for a talk about the worst experience of my life. Who was I kidding, I wouldn't ever be ready for it.

I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to my best friends.

Maia - diner in half an hour. urgent.

I got two replies instantly saying they'd be there but I could hear the echo of tension under each message. I felt awful dragging Maggie out to a place where Jack would be, but this was something that had to be done and there was really no other way.

I wished we could skip all of this; I just wanted to forget everything that had happened and focus on the present. I had two amazing best friends and my love for Sammy couldn't be stronger.

I wish we'd never had to experience what we did; but here we all were, ready to tell tales about what we knew and what we witnessed.

No amount of alcohol, drugs, or sex could take my mind off of the past when it was the one thing I wanted to let go of.

The past is a burden and it's bringing me down.

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