Chapter 28

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Maia's POV

Before I could walk back into the kitchen, Sammy stopped me. I walked into the bathroom, deciding that maybe he needed to talk with Jack about something and maybe that's why he was acting weird. I mean his behaviour had been totally normal until we'd walked into the kitchen honestly.

I touched up on my makeup a bit. I wasn't trying to impress anyone other than Sammy but some of my makeup had smudged a bit. I was kind of a perfectionist.

As I was on the way back to where Sammy and Gilinsky were, I could hear a familiar voice but one that I hadn't heard in ages, float up and echo through the house. I was interested to find out who the voice belonged to.

I walked out and my heart stopped.

Sammy's POV

Thank god she'd gone to the bathroom. I wasn't trying to get rid of her and I don't know how long I could keep her away from Jack, but I just didn't want him looking her up.

"Anyway," Jack turned to me. "We have a visitor, you remember Taylor right?" Just as his name had been mentioned, Taylor Caniff himself appeared from the entrance to the kitchen.

I walked over and bro-hugged him. "How's it going dude? What brings you here?"

"Can I not just come to see my buddies? There actually is no reason for why I came, I just had some free time so I thought I'd spend it with you guys." I was really happy. It'd been awhile since we'd seen Taylor and now he was staying for a bit.

I'd forgotten about the whole jealousy issue until Maia walked back into the kitchen. All eyes went immediately to her. They were all the expressions I'd feared that were displayed on the boys faces.

Jack was staring at her with a look of hunger in his eyes. But what confused me was Taylor, he looked at her with disbelief and surprise. And not the type of surprise of a gorgeous girl in a red dress, but like a surprise as if he hadn't seen her in ages.

"Taylor?" Maia squeaked. She seemed to be in disbelief herself.

"M-Maia?" Taylor stuttered, both were unable to speak. My jealously was starting to kick in. Whether he thought she was attractive or not, it was obvious that Jack did and I didn't want her to be stolen away from me. She could have anyone she wanted, I wanted to be selfish and keep her all to myself.

I stepped into Taylor's line of sight, blocking Maia from his view. "You two know each other?" I asked, wanting to get answers.

"Yeah." Taylor said at the same time that Maia said "No."

Maia gave Taylor a cold stare and walked out of the kitchen, I'd guess she went up to my room but who knew. She could hanging around the door, eavesdropping.

"Care to explain?" I gestured with my hands to Caniff. He raised his hands as if in surrender and looked down at his feet nervously.

"We used to date." Just them three words sent jealously jolting through my body. I wanted to punch Taylor out cold right now but I prevented myself.

"What happened?" I knew that Maia probably wouldn't tell me so I was going to ask while I could.

"I don't know, she just left I guess." Taylor kept looking down. Almost as if he'd done something and was guilty of it but he didn't want us to see it. I guess I was going to have to ask Maia for answers since I was hardly getting any right now. It was worth a shot.

"It must have been something bad for her to walk away. And I can't believe you'd let her walk away." Jack raised his eyebrows in disbelief at his friend.

I was getting pissed off with Jack and his get-every-girl attitude. He knew that me and her were official and yet he continued to say these things about her right in front of my face. I ground my teeth together and clenched my hands, wanting to keep my cool. Who knew how long that'd last though. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to distract myself from Jack's attitude towards my girlfriend.

"I'm gonna go see where she went." I didn't wait for an answer and walked quickly up the stairs to my room.

As I was nearing my bedroom door, I heard something that stopped me in my tracks. Someone was quietly sobbing, almost as if they didn't want anyone to figure out that they were. I wonder who it was.

When I flung open the door to my room, I got the answer. Maia was hunched over, sat on my bed with a pillow covering her face. She removed her face from being wedged in the pillow when I walked in and she looked up at me.

Her eyes were red and puffy; the mascara that'd lengthened her lashes was now in trails down her face; her cheeks were pink and wet. My heart melted at the sight of her. And yet she still looked beautiful.

"Princess, what's wrong?" I ran to her and cupped her face in my hands, trailing my fingers around her skin.

When she didn't reply I picked her up, sat down where she'd be seated and put her gently down on my lap. She clutched onto me tightly and cried into my shoulder. I rubbed circles onto her back and kissed her forehead, reassuring her that I was here for her.

After ten minutes or so of us staying in that position, she finally raised her head and looked me in the eyes.

"Wh-what did T-Taylor tell you?" She stumbled over her words but I understood her nonetheless.

"About what babygirl?" I stroked my thumbs over her forehead, as if smoothing down the skin.

"Me and h-him."

"Just that you dated and then you left him. Why'd you ask? Don't get all upset about him baby." She sniffled and looked even more upset, if it was possible, after I'd said that.

"H-he said I l-left him?" Her eyes were wide and round, she looked like she couldn't believe what I was saying.

"Yeah." I gave her a puzzled look and then realised that maybe she was about to answer my question of why they broke up.

"I can't believe that he s-said that. That isn't w-what happened," She took a breath and then continued. Her eyes downcast and her voice was very quiet. "He cheated on me."

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